Playing Catch Up
Well, I'm home. But you should know that I've been swimming in my inbox all day. If you've e-mailed or commented, I'm trying to get back to you. Some may get lost in the fray, and for that I apologize.
The west coast tour was a whirlwind. California was beautiful - I could get used to 70 degree weather in late October.
The highlight of San Francisco was the meet-up, in which Angela, Steph, Vanessa and I turned an unassuming coffee shop into a veritable yarn volcano.

see the debacle in action here
I was first hand witness to a history-making-project or two. General fiber intoxication abounded. We visited Imagiknit, if only for an hour - and I made a necessary addition to my EZ library (rounding out my collection).
Portland, the best leg of my journey, acted as a 4 day hide-out from real life. I got a lot of knitting done, but mostly just spent some time decompressing. We hiked. We photographed a ton of stuff. And feasted on amazing food and coffee (not hard to do in Oregon).
Seattle? The only thing that really matters about Seattle is the dish on Sundara right? I know what you all want.
Well. We had a grand time. Spent most of the afternoon holed up in her "apartment" (c'mon, its a dyeing studio) whiffing wool, playing with color, eating muffins, drinking tea and swapping projects, patters, etc. etc. You know, the usual things knitters do when they get together. She showed me the ropes of dyeing (an exclusive behind the scenes look.. lucky me!) and taught me how to... *gasp*.... spin. Using a drop spindle. (I have some ugly ugly handspun that I did not photograph, for your sake. Its not so bad... but it IS fluorescent green)
She also gave me some treats. Not least of which ........

DK silky merino. 500 whopping yards. Woooohooo. Do I feel slightly gluttonous? Maybe. But I'll make something nice, I swear.
There's so much more, but its unfortunately time to get back to real life (oh right, I have a job). Can someone remind me why I'm back here in NY? (no reminders necessary, really, I love NY too.)

but the west side is pretty damn good.