b r o o k l y n t w e e d
The knitting stalwart finally broke. Now I am back to my comfortable state of too-many-projects-in-the-basket. Ahhh, doesn't it feel good?

Two sweaters have commenced in the last week and a half... and another is on the brink. I told you about that Rowanspun Chunky I had lying around, waiting for its moment in the sun? Well the design has finally come off the graph paper and jumped onto the needles. It isn't much to see now, but I'm having a great time working it out.

Rowanspun Begun
apologies for the artificial light

The plan is to make an aran jacket with deep pockets and a hood (we'll see if I have enough yarn. Rowanspun yardage is incredible, but a hood takes up a lot of yarn... especially on such a large sweater: 6 inches of ease, wooh!). The color is completely off in the photo. It was about midnight, under the light of a desk lamp (against all my principles). Go figure.

I was home sick Monday and Tuesday and of course took the opportunity to jump start another project I've been thinking about. Ever since I got my hands on some of KnitPicks' new superwash wool, I've wanted to try it out on a sweater. Plus, my urge for a top down seamless raglan was insatiable. Its been too long.

Swish Raglan 1

I'm very pleased with the fabric produced. It has a similar (at least to me) squishy quality as the fabric of Karabella Aurora 8, although with a bit more 'woolyness' to it. Just a bit. I never believe Aurora 8 is 100% wool anyway. The post-washing fabric isn't as nice as the Karabella, which is to be expected (you get what you pay for), but I think its definitely gonna be a comfortable one to wear, and probably can be pulled off in the professional atmosphere. Meaning I can actually wear it regularly. We'll see.

An important note about the Swish: Row gauge changes noticeably after washing and drying. Carolyn and I have come up with the same findings (I think its definitely in KnitPicks' best interest to advertise this.) After a wash and dry (KP endorses this as a machine dryable yarn), my row gauge was 8 rows to the inch. The unwashed fabric is 7 rows to the inch. As you can imagine this caused some major confusion while planning armhole depth, etc for the top down raglan. This, however, was easily remedied in true top-down fashion (versatility, check). I do still need to run a quick test to see if the shrinkage happened after just the wash, or after the washer+dryer combo. I suspect the latter, but need to check to be absolutely sure.

Finally, my tweed came for my EZ sweater. I'm a little late on the upstart, but I think it was worth the wait. Check out these beauties!

Skye Tweed (Classic Elite)

Have a wooly week. I know I will!

You do the most absolutely beautiful and inspiring knitting. I need to read your blog from back to front.

Are you making up your own pattern for the rowanspun....or do you have a pattern for a aran jacket with deep pockets and a hood? Would love that if you have it. I have made several sweaters out of the skye tweed and was very happy...

Thanks for the heads up about Swish. I'm doing my Red Scarf Project with it, and I'll include a note about machine drying. It's entrelac, so I'm curious what shrinking row gauge would do to that.

What beautiful Skye Tweed! I know you've mentioned B. Walker's "Knitting from the Top" before - when are you going to cross over to the top-down, all in one piece side? Come on! It's twice as fun as E Zimmerman in the round from the bottom up! Love the cables too.

Do you have special knitting software for making your aran designs? It's going to be a beauty, I can see that already. I also like the color combo for the striped pullover. The two really work well together. Me likey!

Your constant assemblage of multiple sweaters/cardigans/big projects in general amazes and terrifies me.

I really like all the stuff you make, everything is so nice.

I'll have to check out the Skye Tweed; it looks lovely. Thanks for the alert on KP's superwash.

That hot pink is an unexpected pleasure mixed with the brown. What is your take on KnitPick yarn's color? I thought that the Pallete shades were flat (I bought the sampler) and I've been wondering how I could combine them to perk them up.

Perhaps their other yarns have better color.

Why is it that whenever I visit here I feel the need to go out and SHOP!!!

The pattern already looks gorgeous. Will be cool to see it develop.

Oh my, the top-down raglan is already looking gorgeous. Would you mind sharing: a) which shade of pink that is (is it Bordeaux? Bubblegum?) and b) what size needles you're using (I'm currently experimenting with needle sizes with my new Swish and am ever-curious about what others prefer).

I, too, recently went from a long stretch of (uncharacteristically) monogamous knitting to having several things OTN at once - I think it must be the fall weather or something, that make me want to work with many different kinds of yarn daily.

The yarn & your knitting looks great - and I just have to say again how much I enjoy your photographs!

When you said "swish" I automatically thought about "swish" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swish (#3)!! My Canadian is showing through - lol.

aaaaahhhhh cables.... drool

Cables are so hypnotic! Great yarny pics as always, dude! **sigh**

I was so anxious for your new post!!! I love your designs, and tweed yarns…. Motivates me to buy those ones next time…. I started my first sweater a while ago, and I am now in the 2nd sleeve, needing to do the raglan/yoke….. And you were a big motivation for me!!!! Thanks !!!
Paty Ballarin Fontes
Sao Paulo Brazil

That Skye Tweed is gorgeous! I'll have to check it out as a possiblity for an upcoming Rogue sweater.

Wow, I agree with everyone else, I'm amazed by your gorgeous sweaters! And the color combination on the Knitpicks sweater is something I would have never thought of, but it's very beautiful.

mmm, that is one lovely sweater you've got going on the needles right now.

thanks for the KP swish tip! i'm definitely going to buy some soon to make glittens and i'll be sure to make them a little longer than necessary.

I love the colour combination in your stripy sweater - dark brown and deep magenta... it's like a balance between hothothot and warm... :-)
(btw. I was having serious difficulties choosing between all the EZ books, but I ended up ordering "Knitting Around". It will take a while to cross the ocean, but I'll get it I'll flaunt it!

I had a similar experience with the Knitpicks Swish growing. I am knitting a red scarf project scarf and was carrying it around in my bag when I got caught in a downpour. After it had dried (naturally, not in the dryer) a couple of days later it was noticeably longer. I remember superwash doing this when they were new back in the eighties. It is great for a scarf, though!

Jared your knits are just so beautiful. Maybe you need to consider a job as a knitwear designer for Rowan. I love tweed yarns, arent they the most gorgeous colors. I love the second jumper too, and the wool sounds so nice to knit with, pity we dont get it here but I am sure one day they will send overseas, I hope.

It looks like everyone got to you before me! I agree with Kelly's comment that I also need to starting reading your blog from back to front, michael's comment about your constant assemblage of projects (how do you find the time?), julie's comment about michael's comment being a favorite comment ever, and anonymous about waiting anxiously for your next post! But I bet you wouldn't get so much knitting done if you spent more time posting :-) Beautiful projects and photography, as usual! What kind of camera do you have? - I guess it must be an SLR of some type cause you probably couldn't get the depth of field (or purposeful lack thereof) with a point & shoot...?

Just de-lurking to tell you that I love that Skye Tweed! I'm making an EZ seamless raglan for my BF for Christmas, and that's the yarn he chose (though in a different color). Yours looks great!

your sweaters are always so beautiful. :) good work!

Beautiful beautiful green sweater--I'm excited to see how it grows!

I like the colour of Skye Tweed yarn and my friend is looking for it for a vest.

you really live up to your nom de plume and select gorgeous tweed yarns. is the aran jacket worked with twisted stitches? they are beautiful.

Oh my gosh, I'm loving all of your color and texture selections. Your new sweater out of the Rowanspun Chunky looks delish and I'm loving that Skye Tweed too! Makes me want to start something new...but I must finish first at least ONE of the three current projects.
BTW - I'm making a men's sweater (for my son) out of the Beaverslide yarn, fisherman weight in Bison Brown. I love knitting with it. It's a bit stiff and "nubby" but I really like the way it looks rugged and still shows off the cables. Photos are on my blog.

Just awesome! And thanks for the heads up on the Knit Picks superwash, I've been eyeing that lately...

Another wonderful cable project taking shape! The green tweed is truly wonderful! I also looooove the pink/brown combo (it looks like a magenta color on my monitor) for the raglan - gotta love changes on the fly! Luckily it's pretty easy when you go top down!!! The new Skye Tweed looks incredible! Looks like you have your needles full!!!

I am LOVING the chunky tweed sweater! The thought of deep pockets and a hood is divine!
Thanks for the heads up on Swish. I've knit with it and enjoyed it, but I didn't dry it and all was well (sweater for my doxie :wink:). I love the colors you chose, too, great together.
The new tweed is scrumptious, too!

Wow, your knitting is inspiring.

Would you do me a very big favour. I just received my copy of wool gathering for the aran saddle shoulder. I also want to worder some Skye Tweed - I have chosen Dungeon - I think!!! Of course, I could change my mind 50 times before ordering. How many 50 gm balls did you order? I want to make one in size 48.

The pink and brown combination are absolutely stunning! Very beautiful knitting!

I've been lurking, but I just have to post to say how much I love your various projects and photography!

Ooh, so glad you said that about swish. I've been in love since making a pair of socks from it, and thought it would be great for a sweater. Im not always that stringent when it comes to swatching (yes I know that's sacriledge), so I could only imagine starting one and then finding it inches too short after washing...thanks!

What are the knitpicks colors that you're using? Love the combo!

Thanks for the heads-up on the Swish shrinkage -- a bunch of it is on its way to me in the mail, for a vest. I wouldn't have washed and dried the swatch, but I certainly will now.

Mmmm...I see a lot of nicely brownish projects going on!

All your projects look for nice. The yarns you had are just too yummy that it encourages me to get more and more.

such divine tweeds. i'm just going to buy whatever you buy from now on.

sorry about the baby sweater. i'm sure you'll think of the perfect solution.

I'm very interested to follow your progress with the Swish! i just bought some to make a gift Ribby Cardi for Christmas and now am going to have to keep in mind some lengthening.

Great-looking blog! I look forward to reading more.

I love the yarns that you chose for your EZ sweater. Did you purchase it at WEBS? They are having a sale on the overstock at $3.99/ball. I buying a bag of it today. Your knitting is amazing.

thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Swish, I've been curious since seeing it in the catalog!
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