b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Lace Leaf Shawl
i had an amazing 5 day trip home, and definitely did not want to come back to the noise and humidity of NYC... the oregon coast was more beautiful than ever, and the wedding was a very special experience for all involved. wonderful wonderful.
and now that its over, i can show you the shawl!

Lace Leaf Shawl 1

Pattern: Lace Leaf Shawl by Evelyn Clark (small size)
Source: Fibertrends
Materials: Baby Cashmere in 'Starlight Blue' held double (from elann)
Quantity: just under 8 balls
Needles: US 8 addi turbo 32" circs
Total Knitting Time: 11 or 12 days? i couldn't put it down

Lace Leaf Shawl 2

thoughts: i originally intended this to function more as a scarf/small shawl, although in the end, i'm wishing i would have added a few more pattern repeats. I had 2 or 3 more balls of yarn, and.. because of the cashmere content, i'm thinking the bigger the better. but i'm still happy with it, and the recipient is very skinny, so she'll be able to wrap it better than i would be, and yes i tried it on. ha!

i really love working lace with dk weight yarn (baby cashmere is fingering weight, but held double gives you DK-ish results). the pattern is charted clearly, and it just flies on US 8's. i started the shawl probably 3 months ago, trying to leave plenty of time before the wedding, in case it took me a while. turns out i finished it in under two weeks and have had it sitting quietly in my closet, waiting for its big day for a long time. i'm glad to have finally given it to the (very grateful!) recipient.

more from the photo shoot....
Lace Leaf Shawl 4 Lace Leaf Shawl 3 Lace Leaf Shawl 6

much knitting time was secured on the plane ride and car trips. all the big pieces of jarrett are complete. i'm working on the details now (elbow patches, epaulets, buttonbands, etc.) (hey NYC folk, any suggestions for best button selection in the city?) and... failing all attempts at self control, i casted on for raspy. hoooo boy is it fun.
more to come this week, after i kick my lingering jetlag. and again, congratulations ry and jo!

Beautiful! I'm glad the recipient liked it!

Gorgeous! I can't imagine a better gift for a bride.

The shawl is absolutely brilliant! What an amazing gift! Thanks for the great pictures!

So beautiful!

Your sister-in law must have loved her new shawl.

As for buttons, try M&J Triming on 6th Ave bts. 37 & 38th St. For antique buttons there is a store called Archangel Antiques on East 9th Street - kind of expensive but definitely unique.

Wow ... you knit really fast! I have to pick up my own speed! :D
The shawl is lovely ... I love the colour!

It's absolutely gorgeous!

oh yum! gorgeous!

Wow, Jared it's beautiful! I'll have to get some of that cashmere! Next time you're on the Oregon Coast, we'll have to meet up and knit!

That's amazingly delicate, and I can't believe you did that on US8s! It's great.
I ditto the comment about buttons and things from M&J. It's a great resource.

Beautiful, Jared!

That's absolutely amazing! It looks so crisp and and substantial, yet still delicate.

It looks beautiful! I'm sure the bride will love it!

- MJ

What a luxury item! It looks gorgeous.

Such lovely lace! I'm amazed by how delicate and drapey it looks despite the heavier yarn weight. Perhaps because it's baby cashmere? Do you think the same effect can be achieved by other yarns? I've only knitted shawls with laceweight yarns, so it's interesting to see your DK weight version.

I've always had my eye on that pattern... Your rendition is lovely!

Ditto the comments about M&J Trimmings (you'll be overwhelmed!), and Tender Buttons is much more boutique-y, but has a lovely -pricey- and vintage feel.

What a beautiful shawl & such a special gift to welcome your sister-in-law into the family!

I've been lurking for a bit, but have to come forth to comment on your exquisite shawl. And what a gift! The love you knit into every stitch even shines through the photos. Beautiful.

Beautiful lace, I'm itching to knit lace too but can't decide : icarus, flower basket or shetland triangle?

Thanks for the advice for the denim.

First time visitor here, and I must say I will be back. Your work (and the display of that work) is fantastic. Thank you for sharing, and taking care in how it is shared. I look forward to seeing future projects.

Ooh the shawl turned out gorgeous, I can just imagine how soft it is!
Yay for the Oregon Coast! I hope you took in some good seafood.

I've just started checking out your blog. Beautiful shawl! Lucky recipient.

I love the shawl, and I agree that you should try M&J trimming. I quickly blew my budget there. Did you have gawking seat mates on the plane?

That's amazing! It looks absolutely perfect.

it's simply beautiful. and me too re: m&j (though i haven't been there in a while). i also love archangel (someone mentioned it above) though i often _look_ there a lot more than buy anything!

It's beautiful and such a thoughtful gift. It must feel wonderful, too!

What a beautifull shawl, so nice and very pretty yarn's color !

I'm late to the party, but that is really fabulous. I just started my first shawl, and I'll probably never ever ever live up to this but it is really fun to hope. :o)

Was it your plan to give the bride 'something blue'?

Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

How quaint.
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