b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  West Siiiiiide!
I'm off for a quick west coast tour - I'll be hitting up LA, San Fran, Portland and of course Seattle over the next 8 days. They're calling it a business trip, but to me its clearly time to see friends and catch up on knitting.

I'll be meeting up with some of the lovely ladies of blogland tomorrow morning - very exciting! As far as projects: I'm bringing sweaters. Only.

Rowanspun Cables
it grows.

I may not be posting throughout the week. My apologies in advance if I dont respond to e-mails or comments in a timely fashion. My internet access will be spotty at best.

I'll leave you with some eye candy - it is friday after all.

Frank Ochre
click for details

Have a great week!

The cable sweater is coming along beautifully. I really like the color the more I see it knit up! (it looks a lot like some Tahki Soho Tweed I knit my Banff in)

The yellow/gold will be a perfect pick me up for the eyes this winter!

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The color is so beautiful!!
I love your knitwork!!

OMG the cable work. I *don't yell at me* have never had any Rowan but man that's enough to make me go find that!!

What pattern are you doing?

The sweater is coming along nicely!

Have fun out West.

Have fun! Bring some chapstick for the L.A. area...we are having our notorious Santa Ana winds! :)

Have a great trip! We're having great weather here in the San Francisco Bay Area. When in SF -- if you have time -- don't miss the De Young Museum or ImagiKnits and the cadi-corner tea shop.

Have an awesome trip, and thank you for the lovely pics of you knitting artistry!

If you have time while in Portland, PLEASE stop by Mabel's. It's a knitting cafe with excellent coffee and all of us who work there are very friendly. More importantly, I'm an avid reader of your blog, and I would love to say hi, since you'll be in the knitting paradise of PDX.

And, of course, we have gobs of delicious yarn.

SE Division @ 31st. I'm there Wed (2-9) and Fri (2-8), and sometimes other times as well.

P.S. The tea place across from ImagiKnits (in SF) is called Samovar. Supposedly Leonardo DiCaprio has been there more than once, so it's a big celeb hangout. ;o)

Oh, the Malabrigo. We're totally having an affair. Don't tell my husband.

Have a blast on your trip - the growing sweater looks phenomenal!!

PS: Only sleeves left on my Jarrett - I keep coming back and checking yours for inspiration. :)

Have a great trip!

And that Malabrigo is some nice eye candy.


And the sweater is coming along nicely. Have a safe and fun trip!

ohhhhh! all of my favorite places!
have a great time......

It's all about the "W" hee hee... See you REALLY soon!

i'm just loving how that sweater is turning out! your cables down to the ribbing look so crisp. it's gonna have nice detail.

have a great trip! travel safe!

Mmmm. Great colorway. What progress on the sweater too! Enjoy your trip and hopefully the weather will be better there than in the northeast this weekend!

The sweater is looking awesome! Knit travelling sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be hitting SF, Portland and LA too, but not at the same time, unfortunately. Have a good trip!

hey! thats a really combination of cities. I'm in SF & have lots of yarning recommendations. Also, CWS (chicks w/ sticks - there are boys too) meet-up is on Monday nights at Bliss Bar on 24th Street in Noe Valley.
Email me if you want some recommendations!

Welcome back to the Northwest - I didn't know you were from Seattle. I'm in Portland now, but I'm a Washingtonian by birth and upbringing. :) Have a great trip, and do make some more progress on those beautiful sweaters, because I could look at pictures of them all day!

Let us know if your stopping in Oly. There's only one LYS, but there's Old School Pizza and beer.

That sweater pic is really nice. I've never been tempted to knit an aran sweater, but that looks like something it would be nice to knit just for its own sake.

you've totally got me wanting to jump on the saddle shoulder aran wagon. and the malabrigo is the perfect color of mustard i have been obsessing over lately. it looks so squishy, yum.

I was going to tell you to be sure and visit Churchmouse Yarns on Bainbridge Island, but that was before I discovered that you come from Seattle. I'm sure you're very familiar with it, as it's the best and prettiest of all yarn shops in the area (which is sayin' a lot!)

I love your luscious photos and I'm following your Zimmermania creations with great interest. Happy travels!

Love, Love, Love those cables! WOW! Have fun on the West Coast. Sundara is the best!

Had I known I'd be in knit/blog universe, I'd have taken a career path that had lots of travel! Have a blast! Can't wait to see the progress on this!

Such prettiness. Have you seen the men's sweater in Yarnplay? It's actually the first time my husband has ever seen something knitted that he liked!

Wishing you a great week for catching up with your friends and knitting. Your cabled sweater is coming along nicely, love the details, and your yarn looks so nice. What is the plan for that skein.

Is that cable sweater your own design? How did you come up with it?

Have a great trip. You will definately experience some fall weather out here. It has finally turned and I love the cooler weather!

I just got a scarf from the International Scarf Exchange that was done in Malabrigo. It is very soft and spongy.

I hope it wears and washes well. I'll let you know.
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