b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Playing Catch Up
Well, I'm home. But you should know that I've been swimming in my inbox all day. If you've e-mailed or commented, I'm trying to get back to you. Some may get lost in the fray, and for that I apologize.

The west coast tour was a whirlwind. California was beautiful - I could get used to 70 degree weather in late October.

The highlight of San Francisco was the meet-up, in which Angela, Steph, Vanessa and I turned an unassuming coffee shop into a veritable yarn volcano.

Yarn Orgy 1
see the debacle in action

I was first hand witness to a history-making-project or two. General fiber intoxication abounded. We visited Imagiknit, if only for an hour - and I made a necessary addition to my EZ library (rounding out my collection).

Portland, the best leg of my journey, acted as a 4 day hide-out from real life. I got a lot of knitting done, but mostly just spent some time decompressing. We hiked. We photographed a ton of stuff. And feasted on amazing food and coffee (not hard to do in Oregon).

Seattle? The only thing that really matters about Seattle is the dish on Sundara right? I know what you all want.

Well. We had a grand time. Spent most of the afternoon holed up in her "apartment" (c'mon, its a dyeing studio) whiffing wool, playing with color, eating muffins, drinking tea and swapping projects, patters, etc. etc. You know, the usual things knitters do when they get together. She showed me the ropes of dyeing (an exclusive behind the scenes look.. lucky me!) and taught me how to... *gasp*.... spin. Using a drop spindle. (I have some ugly ugly handspun that I did not photograph, for your sake. Its not so bad... but it IS fluorescent green)

She also gave me some treats. Not least of which ........

Sundara Silky Merino DK

DK silky merino. 500 whopping yards. Woooohooo. Do I feel slightly gluttonous? Maybe. But I'll make something nice, I swear.

There's so much more, but its unfortunately time to get back to real life (oh right, I have a job). Can someone remind me why I'm back here in NY? (no reminders necessary, really, I love NY too.)

Sauvie Island Sky

but the west side is pretty damn good.


That Sundara is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!
But you left me wondering....did you get more yarn to finish the baby sweater???? Oh,I hope so!!!

BTW beautiful picture(s) again!

No no! We want to see the beginner handspun. Your work is always so stunning - show us the fluorescent green learning curve, if only to prove you're human.

That sky is mystical.

Glad you had such a great trip!

so many west coast goddesses at once- you are lucky. its always fun to meet fellow knitters, but Sundara taught you how to spin- wow. of-course you got to show it to us!!! (green or not...)

Did you and Sundara come up with a solution to your EZ baby sweater dilemma?? Sounds like a great trip, but of course I'm biased to this -- the west -- side of the country.

Spinning?? Another one lost. Oh but I still want to see it anyway, fluorescent or not.

looks like you had a great trip to the left coast! :) that sundara yarn is just gorgeous. i must get my hands on some.

Welcome home!
Can't wait to see the update on all your knits and what you decide to do on with that Sundara!

What did you think of spinning? Did you like it?

I've been staring at the sky pic for ten minutes, it's so awesome. When my head stops hurting I'll read the words =) but the sky is great solice.

Welcome home! It's nice to read you again.

Great photos and Sundara's yarn looks stunning. You're a lucky guy...

welcome home! that sundra is beeee-yoooo-tiful!! we should see some of your handspun as well. :)

I've just recently started reading your blog and I just love it.

Glad you made it home safely and great sunset picture!

You had me puzzled there - it's dyeing, not dying, which is another thing altogether. Most bloggers, it wouldn't matter, but you have set yourself high standards :)

Oh, that sky! Sounds like a perfectly pleasant trip, with lots of good knitterly time. I've been dying to make it out there myself. Can't wait to see what you whip up with that gorgeous silky merino.

Oh, sounds wonderful to travel around and meet a lot of knitting people around US. I am hysterically glad when I have the chance to go and meet the local knitters in Stockholm which I hardly ever manage with a 2 year old and a 6 months old. Seeing and hearing about your adventures actually gives me some patient. It's a little bit as if I was travelling around. He, he...

Hey! Glad to hear your vaca/business trip went well. Question for ya, just how many skeins did you get of swish to make your raglan? I'm itching to make one myself, and would be doing so from scratch but have no idea how much to get. Thanks!

It looks like you had a truly wonderful time filled with fiber and friends! It's always a toss up coming home - love to be home, but love to not be home too! :)

Sounds like a great trip! Yet more good reasons to move to OR! Beautiful pics and a really good haul!

I saw some of the photos from Portland! The dog photos were awesome! I still can't believe you just took those and they've been viewed over 900 times already. Holy.

Good food, coffee, yarn, relaxation...what more could you want in a vacation? Sounds perfect. Love that DK Silky Merino, it's absolutely gorgeous.

Yes, the west coast is fantastic. You've got to miss it on such a rain day here in Brooklyn. (And to think, two days ago I was in LA and enjoying almost 90 degree weather!) Pleeez show us your spinning too!

You got to go to Tartine! I'm drooling on my keyboard...

Luckily, Thanksgiving and the obligatory family visit isn't too far away, and one of their Sharffen Berger-filled pains au chocolat will soon be mine!

Glad you enjoyed both my towns (SF and PDX), though I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to stop by Mabel's. Next time, perhaps.

Meanwhile, I'm eager to find out what you ended up doing about your EZ February Baby Jacket. Last we heard, you were going to try to work something out with Sundara. All of them come out sooo cute, it would be a shame not to finish it.


I'm sure it's tough to be back here in the rain and gloom. Luckily the end of the week promises to bring nicer weather. Perhaps you'll feel like you're back in San Fran.
That is some lucious yarn that Sundara gave you. I can't wait to see what you knit.

Love your blog with its beautiful pictures of my favorite subjects - yarn & knitting.

Did you make it to Artfibers? Truly unique yarn and a really nice staff too.

welcome back! nothing like the wonderful northeast!

Glad you're back. Your blog is so wonderful! Isn't Sundara just great!???? Check out what I just got from her to make the Kinsale sweater. It's just gorgeous!


Can't wait to see what you do with the baby sweater. :)


Sounds like a lot of fun. Beautiful yarn and sky photo!

maybe you brought the warm back with you

good to hear you're home safe and sound. those sundara yarn are gorgeous! any plans for them?

totally green with pleasure for you that you got to hang out with the fab Sundara - she is an amazing artist!
how wonderful that she enticed you to spin a bit.
And, I do think that Seattle/San Fran could make just about anyone homesick for the west coast. It's great out here. (even if NY is wonderful too)

You have an amazing blog with beutiful pictures!
Could you help me out by telling how much yarn
I need for Scott ( ryc classic winter ) in size L.
I'm going to buy the book with the yarn so I don't
have to wait a couple of weeks for the book before I
can order the yarn.
Or if you know where I can find the information on the web,
that would help too.
Thank you.
Merja from Finland

The 70 degree weather can really spoil a knitter, but think of the downside: you can't very well knit warm textured wool sweaters for yourself in this weather.

The latest yarn from Sundara is beautiful. Can't wait to see what you knit with it!
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