Big apologies for the long silence. I'm on vacation. I had planned on posting before I left, but the week just got too crazy. Anyway, I'm in Chicago* and I'll be here for two weeks.I plan on doing a whole lot of knitting while here. I brought plenty of yarn to keep me busy.
I've started some lace - its been awhile, but I'm glad to be back in the game. I've finished the Seamless Hybrid, although I need to block it today before I show it to you all. And believe it or not, I've started some socks (just for you, Angela) ... so we'll see how that goes. Look at me getting crazy on vacation.
Here's a little taste of the lace
swallowtail shawl at 10 repeatThere's also a secret project in the works that I'll have to wait to show you for a few weeks at least. Demi is around here somewhere too.My internet access can best be described as spotty-pirated-wireless, so posting might be off and on, but I can assure you the content will be satisfying!
*Any Chicago knitters, I'd be happy to hear about local fibery recommendations!