Forbes Forest (or "Finishing What We Start")
I had to check the Tweed Archives to see when it was that I actually started this project. Turns out it was early April. wow. See, its not that this pattern wasn't enjoyable or exciting - it definitely was, especially as scarves are concerned. But I've had some exciting distractions on the side keeping me away from it. the recent heat wave had one plus - it forced me to pull out a small project and work on it. and now i have this.

Pattern: Forbes Forest by Kathy Zimmerman
Source: Scarf Style from Interweave Press
Materials: KnitPicks Merino Style in 'Moss' (6 Balls)
Needles: US 6/4.25mm Bamboo Clover Circulars
Blocking Method: Immersion (to beat that nasty curl)
Start Date: 9 April 2006 (yeesh)
Completed: 20 July 2006

Modifications: added pattern repeats to add length. I used 6 balls of yarn, instead of the recommended 5. The curling was pretty bad, but a wet-block solved the problem. The finished measurements are large, we're probably bordering on 'stole' status here, but it'll keep me nice and warm during the frigid winter months when those inter-skyscraper gusts seem unbearable.
This project, not surprisingly, has been one of my favorites to photograph. The sculptural cabling is indulgent, and you can't argue with that great green. My Work-In-Progress pile is dwindling down to two sweaters and nothing smaller. I'm waiting for that perfect fair-isle or lace project to jump out at me. any time now... come on. i'm waiting.