Moving On
Well. It's been almost a week and I am still completely beside myself from the flattering, generous, and passionate responses you have all been so kind to leave concerning the Aran Cardigan. My very very sincere thanks to all of you. It is absolutely inspiring to have the opportunity to share work with a burgeoning community of artists and appreciators. I've been completely blown away. Honestly. Thank you.
And in the wake of a complete project of such substantial measure, I've been floundering a bit. I'm stuck with a pesky urge to be immediately immersed in the process of something deep and engaging again, while at the same time feeling semi brain dead, busy (tired) and unable to muster the energy or time to assemble a cohesive plan for the next big thing.
Neither of these factors, however, offers a cure to my ever-itchy fingers, and instead of doing the obvious - hitting the works in progress pile - I've turned to another solution. Noro.

The texture. The color. The fiber. The brilliant tendency towards hypnosis. (The Knit Happens sale that changed my life.) All things working in my favor right now as I just sorta need my knitting to entertain me for a bit while I regroup.

Now, I've never been one for Noro, and I've definitely never been wild about self striping. I actually bought the yarn with more of an intent to photograph it and appreciate it visually, because really, it stands alone as something beautiful, even unknit. But if the online knitting community is capable of consistently doing one thing for me, it's chainging (without fail) my perception about things I didn't think I liked. (Can you believe there was a period in my life where I didn't like cables? Granted that was a long time ago, but still.)
Regardless of your preferences towards Noro, or self striping in general, no one can argue with the fact that this yarn is a veritable feast for the eyes. I've photographed my modest Noro horde and have many a cake sitting around the apartment making things a little more easy on the eyes. Click the photo below to see a bunch of pictures of my new yarn from Japan.

And despite all my complaining about lack of a substantial project... I guess I'm not being completely honest. I kind of started a sweater last night. It's from a pattern, so it is also functioning as a relaxation knit. I really just can't keep the sweaters off the needles... oy.