I'm happily reveling in the cold weather. It seemed like such a long time coming and I'm glad to be wearing handknits in some way, shape, or form on most days. Since it seems like a big month for socks... and I know realistically I wont be knitting any this month (surprise surprise), I thought I'd at least let you know that I've actually been wearing my whopping one pair from the past year...

log cabin socks from 'handknit holidays' in rowan cork
I hadn't really been all that excited about these before. It turns out I'm not a big fan of thick wool socks (or thick-wool-anything for that matter. This statement is only 90% true). BUT, these have been great to wear around the apartment, especially when the barefeet hit that cold hardwood floor in the morning. I've even thrown them on with the birk clogs for work on some of the colder days. Scandalous!
Also, you may have noticed an air of silence shrouding the whole EZ baby sweater issue? Well, that's because I've run out of yarn before finishing. I've run out of a dye-lot-less, hand-dyed yarn. And I like the project too much to tear it out and use another one. I knew I didn't have enough from the start. I knew I'd run out... but I knit it anyway. So I can't complain... but I'm weighing my options. I'll be seeing Sundara in a week and a half when I go home to Seattle, so maybe we'll figure something out together. If not, I'll just use a contrasting color for the garter cuffs, and make a short sleeve sweater. It'll drive me crazy that the garter yoke and cuffs will be different colors, but hey, I'm sure the baby will be a bit less judgmental. Here's the most recent shot, although I've added about 4 or 5 more inches to the body since.
What will be the fate of you, little one? We'll have to wait and see. Baby is due mid November, so I have some time to flounder. And it'll take me all of 3 hours to finish once I get some yarn that works.