When indecision strikes.... sometimes my strategy is to take a completely unforeseen direction. I guess you could also call this ignoring the problem...? Details.
There has been some progress on the cardigan front - I finally purchased the yarn for my Saddle Shoulder Aran. I actually ended up picking up (buying online) Classic Elite Skye Tweed on sale in a beautiful color that I was not able to pass on. Of course there is much Beaverslide still in my future, just not yet.
There are some babies being born in the world. I wanted to make something for one. I've wanted to try the Knitters Almanac (EZ) February Baby Sweater for some time. Who is always one step ahead of me in all things Zimmermann? Well it seems like Elli is. She made this one and in doing so made my decision for pending-project a whole lot easier.

its not much so far, just a garter stitch yoke. I would have knit more, but I'm taking a trip to Chicago this weekend and wanted to save the project for the plane. With such a wee little sweater, I had to control myself the last two nights or I would've probably finished before leaving on my trip (I don't have much room in my small bag for any in-progress large projects) (sock knitters, no admonitions necessary).

the real reason I'm showing you this, is just to say that I'm happily consuming more of my Sundara stash. What a great experience it always is. Have you tried her yet? This is the worsted superwash merino somewhat solid "green over yellow." I had showed it to you as part of my Sundara haul a few months back. I am enjoying this way too much.
Well, I'm off for what I hear is an even windier city than usual. Have a great weekend!