The Great Adult Tomten Garter Two Person Knitalong
For weeks Adrian and I have been taunting each other with ideas of big, garter stitch EZ jackets. (Don't we all need one?) BSJs and Tomtens are happily abounding in all corners of the world (thank god - I don't think I'll ever get sick of seeing 'em) but the elusive 'adult versions' of these sweaters have always been a somewhat intriguing and rare occurrence.
Well, in our common pursuit for modern elvish clothing, an entire wardrobe of garter stitch, and by-the-seat-of-your-pants knitting, Adrian and I have committed ourselves to a whopping two-person knitalong in hopes of one day dawning the hood of the true Zimmermann disciple. The Adult Tomten Jacket. (See some particularly fetching child versions here and here)

After securing the perfect yarn for the job (straight from Northern Montana) it didn't take long to get a quick garter stitch swatch underway and start Tomten-ing myself into oblivion. (Adrian's yarn is equally luscious, if not moreso - she's working a slightly chunkier version than mine!)

Of course there are a gang of mods that will be involved. The original design isn't famous for its flattering fit on adults, although this can be easily remedied with some commonsense shaping and fit modifications. I don't think EZ would have it any other way.

Until next time, we'll be floating away down garter river dreaming of that pointy hood at the top of the mountain.