b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  My Second Thesis, or, The Birth of A Collection
I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be writing this post -- it's been a loooong time coming, and I feel like I've spent a year holding out on you about the knitting that was actually going on here behind the scenes. It felt so wrong to be knitting my fingers to the bone on this end, with a quiet lack of output on the blog. Well, it's finally time to come clean and show you what I've been referring to over the last nine months as my Second Thesis.

Made in Brooklyn Cover

I'm happy to introduce Made in Brooklyn - a collection of original handknit designs in natural fibers, published with Classic Elite yarns and available beginning next week.

As you well know, the last year was a trying one here as I was finishing up my MFA and thesis, teaching and photographing regularly. So when the opportunity to take on a project like this presented itself, I was convinced I was absolutely crazy to take on an additional commitment of this magnitude and almost surely doomed to drive myself into the ground and bring all my projects crashing down along with me in the process. And yes, the last 11 months have not been without their low points, but now that the dust has settled and all is said and done, I'm so glad that the wonderful folks at CE trusted me enough to give me this period to work up this book.

The process started very organically and blossomed out of multiple friendly discussions that I was having last September with my dear friend Pam Allen, the artistic director of Classic Elite and designer extroidinaire, but most of all an absolute golden sweetheart. I had been expressing my desire to continue exploring new directions in print publishing for the yarn shop community while still being able to keep my online distribution and the independent publishing mojo that I love so much about the internet, Ravelry, etc.

We ultimately came up with a new model in which Classic Elite would give an independent designer like me the opportunity to create a publication of designs in which I was given complete creative control over designing, pattern writing and photography, while retaining the rights to my work and the ability to distribute them as online PDF downloads as well as having them available in print at your local yarn shop. Needles to say I was thrilled!

And I couldn't have been luckier to be working with a company whose range of yarns is absolutely epic. As a designer, having such a solid range of high quality, natural fibers in a wide range of weights, constructions and colors seemed like such a dream-opportunity. And it really has been a wonderful, wonderful process.

Made in Brooklyn Preview

The booklet features 13 original designs that run the gamut from simple, versatile accessories to major sweater projects for both men and women to long-term lace projects. My ever-present bug for colorwork was seriously indulged so if you're a lover of stranded knitting be sure to give the patterns a look! You'll also see a range of fibers used -- wool (of course, and lots of it!), cashmere, alpaca, silk and angora -- oh my, what fun! I had a WONDERFUL time putting these pieces together. And as I said before, I can't tell you how happy I am to finally be able to share them with all of you.

The designs in the book are all named after streets in Brooklyn and I shot all the photography on location in the streets here - which I thought was only fitting, as they are such a constant source of inspiration for me in my knitting and designing.

Now for the technical details: The book will be arriving in shops later in the week, so be sure to check your local LYS for details and yarn selection. Online sales will begin through Classic Elite's website mid-week, and pre-orders have already begun so if you prefer to go that route, please visit their site here.

PDF Downloadable Patterns

As I mentioned before, the patterns will also be available for download as individual PDFs. The three patterns above will be available for purchase online immediately upon release of the book next week - both on Ravelry and here at Brooklyn Tweed. The remaining designs will become available as PDF downloads in the Spring.

Over the next week or so I'll be doing more in-depth coverage with plenty of photos here on the blog to introduce you to the new collection and these wonderful yarns, and catch up on showing you FO's from the past year! Stay tuned for more images and info on the patterns.

Before I end, I want to thank everyone for sticking around here on the blog through sparse times and for your continued support with my designs and photography. I very much hope you enjoy knitting this collection of designs -- I thought long and hard about enjoyable and intuitive ways to put these pieces together in hopes that you'll get as much enjoyment out of their making as I did. Thank you all so much.


It's so pretty, I may go blind staring directly at it.

Congratulations!!!! They all look gorgeous!!! I raise a glass to you for your wonderful work and your wonderful works. Cheers!

Congratulations! I look forward to helping support your work.

Congratulation! You absolutely deserved the chance to get to make your own pattern book. I hope you got to take all the pictures yourself too.

I'm very impressed with the Classic Elite Fall/Winter collection of patterns, including yours. I even blogged about it today.

Congratulations! I am so excited about your collection, and it's great to hear about the model you worked out with Classic Elite.

yay! so many great designs! i've been dying to knit quincy since i first saw it at tnna.

and yeah, that pam allen is pretty great, isn't she? :)

What an achievement!! Congratulations, it looks magnificent!

Oh my goodness, congratulations! Lovely work. Both your photography and knitting have inspired mine, and I'm just thrilled for you. I also very much respect that you work with long-term goals in mind for the knitting community. That's really important, and you're doing excellent work all 'round. Cheers to you!

WHOO!!!! Gorgeous! Huge congratulations!

Absolutely Fantastic!!! Can't wait to see it in person. MUCH CONTINUED SUCCESS!!

I'm thinking about knitting my way all the way through the book. Congratulations!

Wow, just looking at these photos, you may have actually made a book in which I want to knit every. single. design. That has never happened. I cannot WAIT buy your book Jared. And congratulations!! Now, when's the book tour, and when do you come to Portland? :)

jared congratulations! all the projects in there look great!

Congratulations Jared!! You are both a knitting and photo inspiration to me - thanks for always sharing and contributing!

Wow such a big news! Congratulations these patterns are awesome. Looking forward to see more pictures on your blog.

Jared, beautiful job, great concept, great that you had an artistic vision and were able to realize it. It looks like a win-win for you and Classic Elite and us fans!


Oh, those mittens!!!

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to pick up my copy, it's such a killer tease to see some of the designs I want to knit & still have to wait. I'm already looking forward to future books, I just can't get enough of your designs!

Really wonderful! You are indeed an inspiration. I took a class from you about a year ago in the Pittsburgh, PA area and I knew then that you will be one of those names ranked up there next to other great designers in the knitting world. Congrats!

Congrats. and very good luck!

best wishes, what about sizing and gauge, largest size and gauges of the items.

You are certainly an extremely talented person. I've enjoyed your blog,knitting and the fabulous photography. Congratulations.

Simply cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this book. Congrats and thank you for providing us with such beautiful and wearable patterns.

Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!

Aw, yay for you! This is wonderful, and you deserve it; you've been working so hard, and doing such wonderful work.

Congratulations, it just had to happen one day. your patterns are great and the photography is wonderful. I enjoy your blog and I will enjoy this book. Susanne

What an accomplishment! You must be so proud of yourself! Congratulations and I can't wait to see the book!!

Absolutely inspiring! Congratulations!!!

PS. On an unrelated note: I like that you increased the font size on your blog. It makes reading it so much comfier.

Lovely, of course, and a well-earned congratulations. I'm looking forward to seeing the actual book.

Awesome! And such an obvious step for you...

Congratulations! The patterns look lovely and the photography is gorgeous.

Congratulations! You have every right to be proud. I can't wait to get the book.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this was coming... I'm so happy the time has finally come! Can't wait to get my hands on a hard copy. I can't wait until spring. (: CONGRATS!

Such fine work you do! Fans of Brooklyn Tweed are thrilled as well.

Congrats! I was wondering when you were going to mention this, as I had signed up for your WEBS book signing last week. Love your work, in all its forms: yarn, photography and written word. Best wishes for a sold out book tour!!


Congratulations on your new collection. I have ordered the book from the US (I'm in the UK) so you can see what a dedicated follower/fan I am! Can't wait for it to arrive.

Congratulations -- it's a gorgeous collection. :D

Your patterns are timeless creations. I loved getting a sneak peek at the new book and quickly called my LYS to put a hold on a copy before they all disappear...as I know they will. Mazel tov on your success!

Congratulations. Theses pattern look beautiful.

Beautious! I can't wait to get my nose in a copy! {colorwork <3}


Congratulations! I'm so excited about this collection. I love your designs (and your photography is alwasy wonderful too!).

Oh Congratulations! This is such a huge thing to be proud of. I can't wait to get my hands on a hard copy... particularly for the colorwork patterns. I love that tam!

I need more hands to knit all these fantastic patterns.. really fantastic..

Congratulations! Looks like a wonderful collection.

It's rare that I find a volume of knitting patterns where all the included projects intrigue me as yours has. I admire and respect your approach to knitting so much and have found previous patterns of yours to be so intuitive, I am truly expectant to begin on some of these projects! Thank you for all of your hard work despite a busy year. I'm sure we are all quite grateful that you've taken the time to share your craft!

Yeesh! I remember how stressed my thesis made me; I certainly don't envy you the task of working on a thesis AND a book of patterns! Congrats!

I'm pretty sure I've never commented, preferring to just lurk in the relaxing beauty of all of your photos and drool over the yarn, but I have to say congratulations and I can't wait to get a copy of your booklet!

wow! Congrats! I can't wait to see the collection in full and cast on for some of these wonderful projects!

I am *so* excited! I cannot wait to get started on Seneca. Oh what colour, what yarn?


I'm already drooling over some of those patterns.It may be time for another round of "can I make this fit?"

Yours may be one of the first pattern books I actually suck it up and buy.

Congratulations Jared! It takes a talented designer such as yourself and a forward thinking editor such as Pam Allen to realize the ever changing world of publishing due to the internet. I respect both of you so much for making a huge leap forward with this new publishing model.

Congrats again.

Oh, congratulations! It's clearly a labor of love, and you've also thought through the business side too. I'd love to buy the book whole "cloth" in a LYS. Love your style, love your photos, love your designs too.

Wonderful work. I love the Classic Elite yarns and patterns I've worked with so far, so I will be quite happy to indulge in some more. Congratulations!

Congratulations - not only to you, but even more to all of us who will be able to get this!

congratulations! my dream has come true....your designs, knitting & photography published in a book!

can't wait to get my hands on one!

I echo the congratulations. I think back to when I started visiting your blog about 3 years ago, and it is exciting to see your accomplishments in such a short period of time.

I saw the name "Jared" mentioned with regards to a recent photo shoot of knitted tea cozies to be released later in publication, and I immediately thought of you. I study the composition of your photos to learn how to show knitting at its best.

Congratulations on your Second Thesis! I'm e-mailing my LYS right now to make sure they'll have a copy saved for me. Every pattern looks fantastic!

Oh my gosh - YAY!!! I am SO excited. CONGRATULATIONS!!

wahoo! that gives me goosebumps! congratulations, what an amazing feat. i really look forward to your book. thank you for sharing your creativity and fantastic style. i think i will dub this up-coming knitting season "brooklyn tweed season!"

best - annri

Congratulations! The designs look super sophisticated and I loved the details of their being named after streets. Best of luck!

I am so proud of you! These designs are all so very lovely, and as a fellow blogger who can't resist saying whatever's on my mind, I bet it feels great to finally come clean :D

I will make a point of supporting Classic Elite Yarns in every way I can (buy more yarn!) in view of the fact that they get it that designers might want to actually control their own patterns. This is just win-win-win for you as a designer, CE as a yarn company, and us as knitters. Kudos to you and to Pam Allen and to Classic Elite for having their heads on straight.

My love for knitting AND my love for the Northeast indulged at the same time? Can this be? I can't wait -

Congratulations, Jared!!! What a beautiful book/project, it's evident you had control over the whole creative process.

Fantastic! I'm looking forward to purchasing this. Congratulations, Jared.

Congratulations, Jared! I am sure I will love all patterns!



It must have been an incredible job! Congrats and I'm looking forward to see the remaining pictures...

Congratulations! I am looking forward to knitting a few of those!

Bravo,Jared! You've exceeded expectations once again... this could get to be a habit. Can't wait to hold a copy in my own hands.

Congratulations, Jared. I am always happy to support your work and I'm always looking forward to your newest designs. Can't wait to get this book and see all your beautiful work!!


Congratulations - I'm sure they will be a huge and well deserved success.

Very neat to hear about the new publication model you and CE came up with! And the designs are preeeeeeettyyyyyyyyyy! Can't wait to get my hands on some! :-) Thanks!

*Waving excitedly from across the pond*

Congratulations, it looks wonderful! Hope you are distributing in the UK

Congratulations! It looks really beautiful. You must be so proud. You sound so proud. Well done.

Question: Can we get it in Australia straight away too?

Congratulations! I think that all the patterns look amazing... I'm interested in a few of them... I've never knit any of your patterns yet, but I am definitely in admiration of your talent! Have a great weekend and congratulations again!

Congratulations, Jared, I can't wait to put my hands on your book!

These are so fabulous looking, I can't wait to choose what to make first.

Well Done You!!
The pictures are glorious, so I can't wait to get my hands on those patterns!! I only learned to knit last year.... who knew it was so addictively fun?!!

I wish you much success with this new venture!!

HEY! Congrats! Such wonderful news and such a great deal you were able to work out with publishing and rights and all that! YOU GO! =) Can't wait to see the book!

Amazing! And holy cow, I can't imagine the year you have had. The photography is stunning, you've made me want to knit every one of those patterns!

I'm off to go stalk my lys. :)

Love your knitting and photos:)
Can't wait for that hard back book to come out!!

I can't wait to get my hands on your pattern book.


Oh my, I'm so excited! I just love your designs!!!!

Can already see so much that I want to knit. What a joy! Congratulations, Jared! Good job!

Congratulations on the accomplishment. I'm looking forward to picking up a copy of the book at my LYS. Also, understand that you'll be teaching a class or two at my LYS this November, so looking forward to that as well.


Congratulations! The booklet looks great... I'll be asking my LYS for it directly it comes avalable.
And kudos to CEY for working out a very respectful artisitc arangement with you.

Jared, what wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear that you didn't compromise and found a way to make everything work - LYS distribution AND online distribution AND individual pattern distribution... Amazing! Can't wait to see all the projects!

Congrats and well done!!
I can't wait to buy your patterns and start knitting them. :)
Lucky us!!!!

Aw man...this is just awesome!!!

I couldn't be happier that prime knitting season is on the way - congratulations on a terrific collection.

Congrats - looking forward to buying your beautiful patterns and reading more blog posts. Win/Win situation :)

Absolutely stunning! You most be so proud!!! Congratulations!

Beautiful! I can't wait to see it when it comes out next week!

Both the patterns and the photography are stunning - congratulations! Also, speaking as an incorrigible punster, I immediately spotted the hidden pun: "Needles to say I was thrilled!" Bravo! Spoken like a true knitter!

Wow, I was clapping my hands and saying "I am so excited" and my husband ran into the room thinking we won the lottery! Of course, I feel like I did just win the lottery. Congratulations! I look forward to many happy hours knitting away at your designs.

Awesome!! Congrats! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. :-)

I started jumping up and down at your post! So much to be excited about! Thank you for your hard work and efforts. Congrats on a well deserved opportunity!

Anne Sheridan

That looks great! Well done -- a thesis and a book!... And I saw your article in VK today as well!

Love, love, love it!!!! Can't wait to purchase the book. You are an inspiration.

Congrats Jared!

Your a very talented designer and an inspiration!
Looking forward to knitting some of the patterns this fall!

And congrats on your MFA.

Happy Knitting

They all look wonderful. Congratulations! I knew you had to be up to SOMETHING that you couldn't blog about!

wow...congrats! i can't wait to get my copy. i love it all!

This looks great! Congratulation on this project.

I really do not know how you do it!!! Congratulations - it's a beautiful collection and I can't wait to get my copy!

Congratulations and I think this is a GREAT business model for knitting patterns. Many times I see one or 2 patterns in a book I would happily purchase individually, but can't see buying an entire book for (I'm trying to declutter my life!). All purchases lead to greater exposure for you, for Classic Elite's yarns, and it's a fabulous idea.

Congratulations!! The photos look gorgeous. I can't wait to have a knitting book by a fellow Brooklynite!

That's so exciting--your patterns are always good, and a whole book? Fantastic news. Lots and lots of luck!

I have to wait till next week to order?!?!?!? They're incredibly beautiful!

Congratulations Jared!!! As always I love the way you match the right yarn and right pattern. Here's to lots of sales!

This is wonderful! I am happy for you as well as everyone who knits. Not only are your projects gorgeous but your photography makes it extra special. Thanks for your hard work during the last year - it is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations!

You are such an inspiration. Congratulations!!

You need to join the plurk community so you understand what I mean when I say I'm doing the dancing nanner dance right now!! This looks FABULOUS. I can't wait to get my hands on this!

Although I should probably finish Girasole before starting another Flood classic...

Congrats on the booklet. I can see that I'll be knitting some of the projects. Look forward to meeting you when you come to A Knitted Peace in Littleton, CO and also in Scotland next year.

All the best. Joanne

congratulations! the patterns look beautiful!

Congratulations Jared - the book looks fabulous!

It look really beautiful. I look forward to buy a pattern from this book or the whole book.
Efwa from Sweden


This is just too much gorgeousness for one post. Look at those hats, and the lace, and the mittens... beautiful. Congratulations, Jared, and thank you for sharing your creativity with us!


That's awesome!

Oh, these are soooo great! I look forward to buying the book and making some of your wonderful patterns.

Many many congratulations! It is an awesome job you've done. You are a true inspirations and it is a delight to follow you on your blog and see your knitting and designs unfold.
Best wishes

Wow! You've been busy! Congratulations, the patterns look divine. xx

I am so excited about your book! I don't know if it will be available in Europe - but surely I will purchase some PDF files. And - I am knitting your Girasole at the time being. It's the first time I knit a circular Shawl and I must say - your instructions are so clear! And the result seems to get really beautiful. Thank you!

I have been waiting for a sweater pattern like Rockaway for a long time: Christmas present for my husband found! Congratulations on your "thesis."

I really love the patterns in your book! And I'm so impressed with your time management skills!

Congratulations Jared! I've been waiting for these since your visit to the UK this summer and I can say it is well worth the wait! The patterns are absolutely beautiful, I have my book on order but will be downloading on Rav to start knitting straight away.

Congratulations from a French knitter and fan !!

Well done on having your own designs published. Continued success..

Hey! Congratulations.


What a fantastic collection! Can't wait to see it in flesh:)

Congratulations, Jared - they all look marvellous, and I will certainly be buying the collection, but I may just have to bust out and buy Willoughby the minute it comes out. Absolutely stunning!

Congratulations! And once again, you continue to amaze the masses. Absolutely gorgeous patterns and pictures. Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the book.

Congratulations! I can't wait to get my hands on some of these patterns! I look forward to reading more about all the knitting on your blog too! It is one of my favorite blogs.

Congrats on your MFA and this new collection. Blogs are wonderful, but your designs, your articles, and your teaching are more important. So if you're going to neglect something, let it be the blog. I'd rather have your beautiful designs!

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

Congratulations, Jared!

I am so excited I am doing the happy dance with knitting needles in my hands! Stunning!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!

We're collectively thrilled that you pulled this off. Now that the hardest part is over, enjoy the glory, you deserve it! And I couldn't help but love this typo (?):

"Needles to say I was thrilled!"


Omg, jared! Congrats on your new book and everything :) It was only a matter of time before we saw something big published by you, I'm glad it wasn't very long!

Hooray! Congratulations, the pictures are great and the designs too! Also congratulations to a good deal with CE.

Incredibly beautiful and impressive work!
Congratulations! Living in Europe, I will definitely look for the pdfs on ravelry, as it seems the booklet is not possible to order from overseas..

Wow! Amazing! I'm in awe that you created so many wonderful projects in less than a year...I can't wait to get a project on the needles.

congrats Jared, I can't wait to see it

Congratulations, Jared!

These patterns look fabulous!! I'm so glad you were able to work something like that out with CE! :)

Glad to see you were quiet for a very good reason - the patterns are wonderful! Congratulations

Wonderfull. This will be another book that I drool over the designs. Can't wait to get my copy. You do such beautifull work. Great job.

So this is why you've been so quiet lately! The photos are absolutely beautiful (as your photos always are) and I just can't wait to see the book. Congratulations, I'm looking forward to the "in-depth coverage"!

Congratulations on an exceptionally beautiful collection of timeless patterns...as well as your MFA and "Second Thesis" (can't ever imagine doing both at the same time!). Your "business model" for distribution is sheer genius and one that will hopefully be a poineer in the industry since it's a "win win" for everyone!

Looking forward to many years of success and happiness for you...and for your delighted admirers!

Congratulations! We have all wanted this book for the longest time. You must be very proud! My local yarn shop was told months ago (the owner knew, somehow!), to hold one of these for me. I cannot wait! Wheee!

Needles to say that your blog readers are THRILLED to bits about your wonderful news!
Those patterns put me in a terrible state of indecision - which one to make first ;-)


Wonderful designs - congratulations to you, Jared! :D

Congratulations! I work at an LYS, and I've encouraged our owner to order some copies of your beautiful book.

So Exciting! Congratulations and Lucky Us!

The patterns are really great! (no surprise) If anyone deserves this, it's you. Congrats on your awesomeness =)

delurking to say congrats! I'm thrilled I'll be able to have a collection of your patterns in a lovely format like this. Can't wait to get my own copy.

You had me at the very first picture. I can't wait to get the book and start in on it. Congratulations, and nice job creating a new business model that should benefit all designers. And knitters.

congratulations Jared,Now I can understand because you were gone,the result of your work .... just wonderful.Your new collection is a reflection of all your talents and now and admire you more now ¡¡¡¡¡¡


Congrats! I love it when new ways of doing business like this, that to appear to have resulted from discussion and listening, come to fruition.

Bravo to you and Brava to Pam Allen!

Gerri in MN

Congrats!!! Looks wonderful.

Great Great Congratulations! Jared!

Look at YOU! I can't wait to have it in my hands.

Magnificent! Congratulations, you talented guy, you!

Bravo Jared, félicitations!

jared, congratulations!!! what a fabulous new project. i love the designs and i'm so excited that you've found such a cool and creative way to do the distribution. bravo to you!! can't wait to knit some of these up.

Congratulations... can't wait to get my copy!

Congratulations! I see a few instant classics in the mix and definitely some epic patterns too.

What an acommplishment!! Congratulations Jared!!!

Congratulations Jared! I love your patterns (in particular, the Stilwell Pullover, and Willoughby Shawl), and look forward to knitting them.

OH!!!!!!!!! Must buy immediately!!

Yes Yes Yes! I just love knitting and wearing your designs. I'm so looking forward to having Made in Brooklyn in my hands. Also, I'm hoping to see more of the short sleeved sweater on the cover. It would be first on the needles this season...


Congratulations! This is really fabulous. Can't wait to take a look at all the new patterns--the photos look gorgeous!

Congratulations--the designs look classic and timeless. My copy is on preorder already.

Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment. I am a huge fan of the sensibility of your designs, and I can't wait to see the entire booklet!

Do you know if your book will be available at Sock Summit? This is so exciting!

Wow! Congratulations! You are amazing!

How exciting! Well done! Congratulations and best wishes to you.

Wow, you get an A++ on your thesis for sure. Congratulations!!

I have an account on Ravelry but am not that great at navigating it--how do I find these patterns on the Ravelry site?

Thanks, and they all look gorgeous!
: )

Congrats! Well deserved!

I was lucky enough to see the samples and get my hands on a copy of the book at a trunk show last Tuesday .... it's wonderful work, all of it.



I can't wait to see the book in my local store. Your work is my favorite! As always your photography is the best in the business. Also i loved your article in Vogue knitting. Now when people ask me why i always knit and design in the round i can articulate it perfectly.

Hey Jared - awesome! Been looking forward to this since we met you at Socktopus in London :)

Will there be a UK / European stockist of your book? Classic Elite don't deliver to the uk unfortunately :(

Best wishes


Thank you and congratulations. Seeing the cover of this book on your blog felt like Christmas. I can't wait to tear into these projects!

Congrats on your achievement! I've long admired your knitting, photography and the beauty of your words. Now on to the next chapter of your life...

Oh, this is so very exciting! Now my queue is REALLY going to be messed up! ;-) Love your designs. Congratulations.

Congratulations! Amazing work as always.

I adore your work ¡Enhorabuena!


Congratulations! This could not have happened to a nicer, more talented guy. I can't wait to buy your books and try out some of these patterns. The pictures already have my knitting fingers twitching!

As usual, your designs are both classic and hip -- and your photos are simply exquisite. Thank you so much for, once again, giving us all something wonderful to knit.


Congratulations! Everything is gorgeous. I foresee a "Quincy" in my future

Wow. I love these patterns, and especially as someone just getting into colorwork I love that some of the colorwork looks fairly accessible to an advanced beginner (or an intermediate knitter who has only done intarsia before).

I will definitely pick this up on my next order. I love your work.

Wow! Congratulations! I hope to join you one day in the knitting world - but as a writer of knitting fiction.

The book looks wonderful. How great to be able to touch a dream.

I LOVE these designs, especially Seneca, which I hope to download as soon as it's up! Great work, high quality, as always.
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