b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  New Acquisitions
What a crazy month it's been! Now that I'm finally home and the dust has settled, it's time to get back to my knitting. And that's something worth celebrating! As I've been unpacking (it never ends), reorganizing and regrouping, the full realization of how much yarn I actually acquired during my travels has hit. I was a bit of a magnet - I SWEAR I try to keep yarn intake down to the absolute essentials... but then I black out and find a suitcase full of the stuff splayed out on the floor when I get back.

I've been doing a lot of swatching in the last couple of days - my head is full of ideas and I'm ready to explore them! Today, though, I thought I might feature a few highlights from my collection of travel souvenirs.

Garthenor Black Sheep

Serious British Wool Alert: Have you heard of Garthenor? I hadn't until I was over in the UK and picked up these two balls of beautiful black sheep's wool in London. Garthenor produces organic wool for spinners and knitters from UK grown sheep. Their website has info about what wools
are actually in their yarns, which is (oddly) rare and always a major plus in my book! I have a weakness for black wools - this yarn is a rustic DK-weight Black Welsh Mountain breed, and is begging to become a pair of sturdy, woolly mittens!


And speaking of black sheep... here's something that has got my spinning mojo rip-roaring again! A 70/30 black shetland/tussah silk combed top from Old Maiden Aunt. This stuff is beaaautiful and just waiting for the wheel (this week I hope!). Shetland is my favorite spinning material, so I'm psyched to see how the silk feels blended in. Color-wise I think it works incredibly well together. I'm planning for a totally zen evening with this one.

Oh and the blue? Yeah, it's kind of a stunner, isn't it. It's a fingering weight merino from the same dyer's Homecoming Collection - "Lon Dubh (Blackbird)" - a deep, saturated, smokey blue that definitely WORKS. Both of the gems above were gifts from the generous and talented Old Maiden Aunt in Scotland - I'm thrilled!

Rowan Lima

At TNNA, back in Ohio, I stowed away with a few choice balls of new yarn for Fall and this one got me really excited. Now - I'm not a big alpaca head - but this yarn commands some attention! It's a new worsted alpaca from Rowan called "Lima." Aside from the beautiful palette of colors and great heathered blending that's happening, the construction of the yarn I think is notable as utilizing some of alpacas best qualities and ditching some of its worst. The yarn is basically a miniature 2-stitch I-Cord which, most importantly, traps a lot of air in the yarn - keeping it LIGHT - while at the same time maintaining great elasticity. Elasticity and lightness are words I don't often use to describe alpaca so I really think this yarn was designed well. Now all there is left to do is appreciate the lofty, butter-soft jewel-tones, which I will proceed to do now.

Marr Haven Wool

And lastly - this one doesn't
really count as an official souvenir but it was waiting for me when I got home from traveling (I ordered it just before I left, as a bit of incentive) and is certainly a show stopper! I've spoken about Marr Haven before, but this is one of my very favorite yarns and I do like to treat myself to it every now and again. The folks at Marr Haven grow purebred Merino-Rambouillet sheep (soft wool, but with body!) in Michigan and mule-spin it to keep the true integrity of the fibers intact. They don't offer a ton of color selection, but if you're happy knitting with naturals until you die, like me, you're set. Aside from that wonderfuly soft, lofty, lanolin-y experience while knitting, the texture is a game-changer! I'm smitten.

I certainly have plenty to keep me busy this summer - the yarns above are just a sampling! When it rains it pours, doesn't it?

Are your air-conditioners fired up? Summer knitting, here we come.

Yes-absolute essentials-that's waht I tell myself, too. Love your blog.

thank you for the link garthernor is a very interesting site.

I admire your wool present. my air conditioning is the sea air méditérannée only.

They are all lovely; the colour of that Lima is heavenly. Which are you going to use first?

No air-conditioning here, but we rarely need it in Vancouver. I'm might've just jinxed the city, though!

Yes, my air-conditioner is on high with the furry dogs atop the vents. I am knitting like crazy and this post with its wonderful temptations made my heart beat faster.

I love Marr Haven, too! I met them in person at the MI Fiber Festival two years ago, and came away with two, natural, well-priced GIANT cones of their worsted. The color is a mushroomy, earthy taupe, and my only complaint is that I love it so much that I'm having a hard time finding a sweater pattern to do it justice. I'm excited to see what you do with yours!

Oooh, that top is beautiful!

So glad you found some good things on these shores!

AC is down but I'm knitting a lot anyway. LOVE your new acquisitons!!! Thanks for sharing since I can't buy any myself. Can't wait to see what you make with them.

Ahhh...you're back. we've been missing your gorgeous yarnporn out here in cyberspace! Wonderful post!

Gorgeous acquisitions! Knitting socks in Madison Square Park works for summer knitting too.

Oh, neutrals. I could not live without heathery neutrals. Great haul!

Glad you had a great trip and thank you for showing our yarn with the lovely ones you brought back.

I wish we could have our air conditioning on, we have been without electricity and phone from the strong storms that hit the Midwest. The generator can handle the computer for a bit but not the AC.

Gorgeous, loverly wonderful stuff. That alpaca made me sorta dizzy. coool

love the blue! & thanks for the marr haven link. have fun!

Wonderful post! I'm already knitting like mad and this has inspired me to find some nice natural wools to keep me going (and maybe, just maybe, giving alpaca another try)...gorgeous!

Bliss! Yummy!


Gorgeous! I really like that organic black wool--what a great way to run a business.

Love that blue yarn... really stunning! Looks like you had a great trip. :)

Gah! That roving!! And that last yarn reminds me to finish something I started with Greenwood Hill Farm merino:


And I hope your NY weather is the same as ours--no A.C. required!

Totally yummy yarn! Love that blue.

Wow. I think between the new Rowan and the Marr Haven I could die a happy woman. It's a great mix of beautiful soft color and au natural!

You sound as though you just returned from a wonderful trip! No stress in your post! Thank you for the wonderful pictures of the gorgeous yarns. I'll be eager to see what you knit with all of these wonderful yarns.

ah, the wonderful potential of new yarn!! Can't wait to see what you knit up. The colours are gorgeous.


Thanks for all those links. As if I needed more yarn shops but when does need come into it?
Living in the subtropics, airconditioning the house changed my knitting to 12 months a year. Bliss!

I'm trusting you on this and picked up some of the Marr Haven to make Silver Belle. I think it will really be pretty out of that yarn. I hope it's as lovely in person as it looks from your photo.

Love the stash. I'm excited to see what you knit up with them. I am envying your baby blanket. I want a pattern ; )

I just finished up 4 ounces of 70/30 shetland/tussah...you're going to *love* it! It was a wonderful spin.

So beautiful. When I went to Ireland a few years back I got some great aran wool from a local shepherd/spinner. Of course, it being Ireland, he was a way for a few days and had the key to the barn. I had to come back to Yonkers (my Mom and Dad were still there) and, before she left, my Mom conviced the guys wife to break into the barn to get the wool for me. And then my dear old Mom hauled it home for me. She just ordered some more beautiful wool for me from "the old country".

By the way, I usually hate knitting black but that top photo is so beautiful I think I could handle it.

Well at least you're only splayed on the floor with yarn around you. It could be black electrical tape!
Anyway, wonderful wonderful yarn. I want it all. You get the best, as always.

very nice yarns.....I am lusting!

Man it's good to have you back!

Sometimes I think ahead and bring closed destined the Salvation Army so that I can free up some yarn-space in my luggage for the trip back :P I think your purchases are entirely justifiable - that shetland/tussah mix looks so luscious!

please post your swatches if you get the chance- I'm particularly interested in the Marr Haven. Lovely.

I picked up two skeins of Garthenor when I was in London last year as well. It made a really great winter hat.

I forget the name of the yarn-shop but I liked it because it had a small bar in back. Can't beat that!

Your photos are fantastic. I can almost feel how soft and squishy it all is. Thanks for a great blog.

Fantastic photos. I can almost feel how soft and squishy the yarn is. Thanks for a great blog.

Love the Lima! Love your blog! Thank you.

Love your blog.

i picked up some garthenor while i was in the UK after christmas. great stuff! made some owl mittens i love.
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