b r o o k l y n t w e e d
I've been knitting my way around the UK over the last week and a half, having an absolutely wonderful time and meeting some great UK knitters!

Oxford Grounds

There have been so many highlights - not least of which was getting some quality time with Meg Swansen, what a treat! Meg and I appeared on BBC radio to promote Ravelry, British Wool, and most of all, Knitting with a capital K! Meg taught our host how to knit on the air - I'm glad I had my camera!

Meg Teaching Our Host

I'm headed back stateside this weekend for TNNA in Columbus. If you're there, stop by and say hello!

After TNNA, I'll have some much needed down time - my knitting and I are in need of some one-on-one in a desperate way!

You should visit Norway while you're so close by! :-D

Did you venture up to Scotland?

Please a little more one on one so that we can get a piece of it too :-))

Wish I could have seen you while you were over here, but so glad you enjoyed visiting us... Please come to back soon

AH! That is the most beautiful picture!

Both of them, actually, but I meant the top one first.

Oh, what a nice photo - you sure captured the Britishness :) It may not be Oxford, but it sure looks like it. The photo of Meg is wonderful.
Alas, my search for an online version of the radio show was in vain.

How unbelievably cool!! Was this a program we could access online?

I cannot imagine much in the world more blissful than knitting my way around England!! You are indeed a lucky duck!!

I miss it so much. I want to go back. Hope you had a nice pint.

Can you tell us what is the cathedral in the top picture? and which BBC radio program were you on?

I wondered if a photo of Christchurch would appear on here - and it has! :-)

And in Finland, too. Why not a Nordic tour?

What a beautiful shot of one of the Oxford Colleges. Glad you had a good time.

such a life! love the photos (of course) and can't wait to see what designs you come up with inspired by your trip :)

Which BBC radio programme were you and Meg on?

Oh my gosh! I know exactly where that first photo was taken. My mom and I spent a summer in Oxford when I was in college and our bed and breakfast was right across the street from Christchurch gardens. The B&B is gone now...as is, I think, Alice's Sheep Shop, which was just down the road a bit.

God, I love Oxford. Thanks for the memories!

Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Jealous!

How cool!!!

My apologies to Elizabeth II, but you've had an audience with the "real" queen, Meg Swansen, heir of the knitting empire. How wonderful.

I can't wait to hear (and see more) of your trip.

What beautiful architecture in your photo. I can't wait to see whether you translate it into a pattern, as you did Koolhaas Hat!

Beautiful photo of Meg!
erin d

OMG I have almost the exact same picture from Oxford (mine was taken about a year and a half ago while on study abroad). Isn't it beautiful!?! Glad you're having fun in the UK. If you haven't stopped by yet, Look in Islington (London) is adorable.
Happy knitting! (and Hyde Park is amazing. My fav. thing to do in London is go for a long walk in hyde park with a latte and sometimes a muffin).

I can't think of a better knitting ambassador! What an amazing experience you must have had.

Sorry to have missed meeting you this year in the UK .... perhaps next year when you're a bit closer to my home - Scotland! Have a lovely period of down time.

I too wondered which BBC Radio station or programme you were on to look for it online.

What a treat to the UK and to be with Meg - good for you!

What radio progamme were you on? Has it been aired yet? I'd love to hear it.

I found you via Leah, at YarnEnds

hope you don't mind if I shamelessly promote my latest blog post which is shamelessly promoting a new crafty charity project - please read it and if you feel able help advertise (or contribute in any other way) that would be FAB

Thank you so much for the classes you taught at UK Ravelry Day. I had lots of fun and learned loads too! It was lovely to meet you.

Sinéad from Dublin.

What a great adventure!
it is always a delight to visit your blog

It was great to meet you at UK Ravelry Day and I enjoyed the Seamless Sweater workshop so much. And we got to see some of your actual sweaters. Shame about the 'typical' English weather!

Glad you enjoyed your visit - I loved the classes I took with you, they were very inspiring. Can't wait for the patterns to come out, we should so have asked you about Meg!

I had a joke with Doug Watson on shifting a paper under your door to tell you where to meet us.

We stayed in the same hotel, three rooms away from you and you must have heard my husband laugh when I told him we sure should not miss to behave like real stalkers.

We recorded Meg Swansen reading her essay for the audiobook of Knitting Yarns and Spinning Tales. Lovely! And how wonderful to see all those glorious UK gardens. Wonder what the yarn shops are like?

Hi there,

I thought I'd comment here to say that Jared, Meg (and myself a little bit) were on the Mark Powlett Show on BBC Radio CWR. It was available online but that's disappeared now. I'll speak to the show's producer and see if we can get a copy of it somehow and maybe post it on the internet somewhere.


Isn't knitting in England just the best?

Sounds like a fabulous trip! What an honor to be taught how to knit from MEG SWANSEN. Love your Blog.

from Southeastern WI

Stunning photos!!!!!

I've been an admirer for a long time...between the designs and the photography, well, you are one talented human.

But now, to see the photo of the English cottage/garden AND the inimitable Meg Swansen....just an awesome shot that captures her.

Thank you for sharing!

It must had been a wonderful experience!

Love the photo of Oxford!

(Not as pretty as Cambridge, though... :P )

How absolutely awesome for you. Is it not amazing how your life has been improved by "knitting!?" Can't wait to hear about your trip via your blog.

Can we have more photos from your trip? Yours are stunning as always.
Did you finally get your MFA?
You were promoting Ravelry? Great!


Nice Digs! Hanging out with a national treasure's not bad either!

I heard Meg say to Lloie that he is the first person she has taught to knit (I guess apart from her kids). How lucky is he and how much does he not realise it?! His e-mail address is mark.powlett@bbc.co.uk; perhaps folk can ask him how he's doing?!

I have to say that you should pay a visit to Denmark, a lot is happening here "knitwise" - and thank you fore your inspiring blog! www.rustik-by-marianne.dk

I want your life!

just treating myself to lunch in front of flickr and a slide show of your photos when i spy my home town of Oxford - I can't believe you where so near and I didn't get to be a groupie, boo hoo! - keep up the great work, you're a great ambassador for knitting and a great inspiration for when I can't get to the needles myself.

I'm a new fan and delighted you came to the UK.

I used to live in Brooklyn myself (Park Slope) and taught myself to knit from a book when I was 5 so when I came across your beautiful site it bought back sooo many memories.

Looking forward to your beautiful posts.

such an interesting blog, beautiful images and lots of enthusiasm.. perfect combination.
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