Did Midas Dye Fiber?
Oh, wow - spinning has snapped me up again! I never see it coming. I had been fiddling around with my Jamieson's Shetland sampler and my mind began to wander. At some point I thought, "I wonder what else I have lying around here waiting to be spun?" It was probably a good thing I had my fiber hidden so well, cause it took me this long to rediscover some major gems.
I came across this colorful fluff, which I had scooped up from Adrian late last Spring. It was like a blast of sunlight on a particularly grey day. I was weak. I caved.

I hunkered down and did the first skein all in one sitting. Maybe I just blacked out and this is what happened? I've never thought about what yarn dipped in honey would look like... but that's the first thing this skein made me think of. This is 4 ounces and I've got a good 8 more to spin. I'm a happy camper.

Aptly titled Hive - this is Falkland Wool from a past installment of the Hello Yarn Fiber Club. I spun it up using a semi-worsted method. It's a 2-ply heavy worsted weight.
We had some nice quiet time together yesterday morning - and as I quietly sculpted the skein by the window for its photoshoot, I had one of those Yes-You-Look-Like-A-Crazy-Person moments. The colors! The textures! The Seduction!

As for knitting - I was struck by a sudden desire to make a good, sturdy pair of mittens this week. My internal colorwork clock must have flatlined. I raided my Jamieson's Shetland stash (I always keep at least a little Shetland close at hand. I sort of think that Jared-is-to-Shetland as bee-sting-allergies-are-to-the-EpiPen.) Do you ever feel that way about yarn? No? Just me?

I'm sort of... eh, winging a pattern. I wanted something simple, geometric and sturdy. And a sheepy, heathered version of the traditional Red-on-White Fair Isle combo. Between these mittens and my wheel, I'm having a very reclusive week. Better beef up my take-out menus.