b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Did Midas Dye Fiber?
Oh, wow - spinning has snapped me up again! I never see it coming. I had been fiddling around with my Jamieson's Shetland sampler and my mind began to wander. At some point I thought, "I wonder what else I have lying around here waiting to be spun?" It was probably a good thing I had my fiber hidden so well, cause it took me this long to rediscover some major gems.

I came across this colorful fluff, which I had scooped up from Adrian late last Spring. It was like a blast of sunlight on a particularly grey day. I was weak. I caved.


I hunkered down and did the first skein all in one sitting. Maybe I just blacked out and this is what happened? I've never thought about what yarn dipped in honey would look like... but that's the first thing this skein made me think of. This is 4 ounces and I've got a good 8 more to spin. I'm a happy camper.

Hive 2-Ply

Aptly titled Hive - this is Falkland Wool from a past installment of the Hello Yarn Fiber Club. I spun it up using a semi-worsted method. It's a 2-ply heavy worsted weight.

We had some nice quiet time together yesterday morning - and as I quietly sculpted the skein by the window for its photoshoot, I had one of those Yes-You-Look-Like-A-Crazy-Person moments. The colors! The textures! The Seduction!

Hive 2-Ply

As for knitting - I was struck by a sudden desire to make a good, sturdy pair of mittens this week. My internal colorwork clock must have flatlined. I raided my Jamieson's Shetland stash (I always keep at least a little Shetland close at hand. I sort of think that Jared-is-to-Shetland as bee-sting-allergies-are-to-the-EpiPen.) Do you ever feel that way about yarn? No? Just me?

Need Shetland Mittens

I'm sort of... eh, winging a pattern. I wanted something simple, geometric and sturdy. And a sheepy, heathered version of the traditional Red-on-White Fair Isle combo. Between these mittens and my wheel, I'm having a very reclusive week. Better beef up my take-out menus.

Soooooo beautiful!!! I am in awe of that gorgeous golden yarn, and can't wait to see what you make of it! Once again, thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!!

PS - As for take-out, I'd go for Cuban food - but then, that's just me. :-)

That colour gold is amazing! Its really sumptuous. Usually, you hear 'yellow' you think tacky acrylic. That, however, is Midas-like in its extreme. So, what are you going to do with it?

Both of these are absolutely beautiful!

Looks good enough to eat! Very jealous of your reclusive week. Wish I could spend mine knitting!

The Hive is spectacular! I can't wait to see what it morphs into.

the red colour is so close to my alice starmore tormentil that i bought for fern. i am a little confused by that colour. glad to see how good it looks.

the yellow is so wonderful. it seems that the whole world loves yellow right now. i am looking desperately for a spinning course. i soon have to cave in.

Your honey yarn is unbelievably gorgeous! You are going to have so much fun with it!

Wow! Your spinning is gorgeous and the mitten is also beautiful. I hope you write that one up for sale...it looks like a pattern I would love!

Remember my many questions to you about EZ's mitred garter blanket??...well, it is all done, blocked and very loved by husband. He is so thrilled with it...sort of like Linus with his blanket. Thanks for your help!

That honeyed yarn is just the thing for a gray winter day. Soooo happy looking! And then you get to play with it all over again when you knit it up!


Wow! "Hive" is sooooooo deliciously golden and buttery...I wonder what it would taste like on a buttermilk biscuit... Ok, you're right: eating yarn is probably a bad idea, no matter how yummy it *looks*.


Beautiful handspun. I got the bug on valentine's day and spun a 2-ply that is now becoming fiddlehead mittens! I could barely wait for it to dry!

David Reedy our aussie bloke thinks you could make wet paper towel look beautiful- I tend to agree- perhaps you should try!

I love the colors. Hive is beautiful.

Both projects are spectacular. Yellow is perfect for this time of year, isn't it? It gets you through.

The Hive yarn is beautiful, I must admit I was drooling abit, thank you for sharing your beautiful talents. Can not wait to see what you make with it.

That yarn is so totally gorgeous. I'm not really a fan of yellowy colors, but that is just.... beautiful. Wow.

Oh, that's gorgeous. Your handspun looks like sunshine you could curl up under. Is it Spring yet? *sigh*

Beautiful colors. I like your mitten in progress too. :o)

Awesome, awesome, awesome! I sort of want to eat it on biscuits. Is it acceptable to refer to yarn as edible?

Sunshine and honey in a skein -- glorious color. In the way you need Shetland, I must have alpaca and mohair on hand. Whatever feeds our needs!

Your spinning is beautiful!

I have 8 oz. of this that I've been hoarding for a year. I'm too afraid to touch it! And whenever someone posts a pic of it on Flickr spun up, I recognize it immediately and want to spin it, but then it will be over...you know? Your skein is inspiring!!

Fascinating the way the roving was quite bouncy and almost strident in its colour variations, and the yarn is subtle, delicate...as a novice spinner I am intrigued by this transformation, and by the fact that this will not be the only yarn that could have been spun from this roving...hmmm, brain humming... =)

Beautiful spinning! I really must get back to spinning. Dyeing and knitting has been grabbing most of my attention in recent months and I'm pretty sure my spinning wheel glares at me when I walk past it.

Your golden yarn is absolutely wonderful. Wow..
I know exactly what you mean when you say that you never see it coming - the urge to spin. It just hits you out of the blue, and then it's off to work at the wheel (or spindle).
- Birthe P, spinning away in Denmark

Everytime I see your spun yarn I long to try spinning. I don't have time to spin dammit, I barely have time to knit, and I don't work!!!!! How on earth you manage to make all the gorgeous things you do, continues to defy the logic of linear time.... are you a Timelord?

It would be easier for my sanity if I didn't read your blog, but I just can't stop myself. Its all so pretty.

such a lovely honey yarn, and the mittens are simply beautiful

I think most of us have kookoo moments over yarn. I certainly do—usually on a daily basis.

I'm head over heels with that handspun! It's so yummy!

The yarn color is stunning. My favorite colors!

I have one skein of handspun hive and can't decide what to do with it. I'm going to keep an eye out and see what you do!

I just love getting glimpses into your world Jared. I haven't tried colorwork or spinning yet, but both of these projects make me want to......NOW. Enjoy your week.

I like very much your handspun yarn! Beuatiful wool is the best of fibres...

Bees? Honey? Food of the Gods, my dear. Absolutely yummy. I'm a gal who's father kept bees, so I know honey and this is IT!

Well, aren't you a busy boy. Gorgeous handspun and the mittens are perfect.

I dream of one day spinning yarn that looks like that. But first, I need to learn.

The mittens are going to be lovely.

Oh so beautiful! hope the mitten pattern is for sale soon! also oh so beautiful!

That spun yarn looks like you have dipped it in honey indeed. So beautiful.

I love love love Shetland too - Porom keeps me warm up here in Quebec every morning. So I think.... it would be great if you did a few more Shetland projects for us! Maybe a book? I need a good men's sweater for my husband - classic, cables...??

Honey is exactly what I thought of too. I feel like I should swirl it in my tea.

I cannot wait to see what you will create with this amazing "honey"... I have to say I am jealous... I am not a spinner, but I am tempted to become one :)

I am very new to knitting and when I look at your site it makes me want to keep on knitting so that maybe, someday, I'll be able to do things that will make me sigh with pleasure as just looking at all your projects does for me.

I am positively drooling over that golden honey yarn! It's like pure sunlight spun into yarn. Beautiful!

That color gold is such a welcome sight in the middle of winter!

I love your vest pattern in Wild Fiber mag, now i just need to spin enough yarn to make it!

I like the honeytune in the beautifully spunned yarn of yours. But I am not much for spinning myself other than from a tutorial perspective. Your mittens look really geometric. Maybe you should change the angle and mix two. it could be like a wave.

i'm really fascinated by the colours of this fiber....

Thank you sohbet very much

Oh! What beautiful hand spun!

And I love the mittens! Will we be seeing a pattern in the future? Any excuse to work with Shetland is a good one for me!

LOVE you mittens! Cannot wait to see the end result!
Hong Kong

I would never admit to being a fan of yellow or orangey colors. But, you Hive yarn is gorgeous.

Alberta hits the nail on the head for me right now. It combines a search for a simple vest for my Dad with my desire to try steeking. Two birds one song!

Coincidentally, on my return flight from California yesterday, I met a handknit designer from Morristown NJ. I didn't catch her name but she's a relative of Meg Swansen. This designer only knits in the round and creates via steeks. Fantasy: flying non-stop via KnitAir, knitters only, with a yarn bar (in addition to beverages :).

Quick question: does your pattern for Alberta include full steeking instructions? If not, can you recommend a good source or tutorial for steeking?

Oh that yarn looks just delicious!

LUV that golden honey!

Everytime I see your spun yarn I long to try spinning.花蓮 I don't have time to spin dammit, I barely have time to knit, and I don't work!!!!! How on earth you manage to make all the gorgeous things you do, continues to defy the logic of linear time.... are you a Timelord? 花蓮民宿

I love the red and white mittens. Is this your pattern? Will you share it? Or will you make the pattern available for purchase? I think they are so beautiful, as is every single thing you do. It is a joy and a pleasure to visit your website. Thanks for all.

Beautiful handspun. i'm really fascinated by the colours of this fiber...Your golden yarn is absolutely wonderful.
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