b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Baby Leggings
I've been doing a fair bit of traveling in the last two weeks and have committed to finishing a gaggle of small projects that I have lying around the house half-done. Knowing that I'll want to tackle lots of large, woolly projects in the very near future (hello, Fall weather!), I feel the need to do a little bit of project-house-cleaning. Consider yourself warned - you may see a few baby knits and old, forgotten accessories cropping up around here in the next couple of weeks. And today - the first one!

Baby Leggings

I put the finishing touches on the baby leggings last week and finally got around to shooting them this morning. Oh how I love those rich, golden colors! Seems fitting for those ghostly hints of Fall crispness that are taunting me these days.

Baby Leggings

Pattern: A modified version of Shibui Knits Baby Leggings by Heather Saal [Rav Link]
Size: 1 Year Old
Materials: Shibui Sock in "Honey"
Amount: 98g -- skating in at just barely under 2 skeins (Pattern Size calls for 3)
Needles: US 3 Circulars

I made a small number of modifications to the pattern. The original is written to be knit flat and seamed up at center front during finishing. That wasn't gonna fly around here, so the first item of business was to convert the pattern to in-the-round knitting, which wasn't hard at all. I didn't change any stitch counts, just ignored the back and forth instructions in favor of joining the end of the row to the beginning and working circularly.

Baby Leggings

I also opted for twisted stitch ribbing at the waist band and ankle-cuffs - a choice made to achieve a bit more elasticity - a great little perk of knitting things through the back loops. Since babies have stumpy little limbs, I figured the more elasticity the better.

Baby Leggings

The rest of the pattern is sweet and simple -- sizing for both 6 mos. and 1 year are given. I like to knit the larger sizes so the little growers can wear them longer. Plus, how cute is a 6 month-year-old in oversized baby pants?

The "diaper shaping" as I like to call it incorporates short rows and increases down center back to create an extra pouch-like space for baby 'bulk' (See Above Photo). The cord running through the eyelets at the waist band is crocheted (nice and firm but still elastic due to the nature of this bouncy, bouncy yarn) -- I tied two small knots on either end to keep it from slipping out of the holes.

Baby Leggings

All in all, a simple pattern with a charming result. You know I'm not a huge fan of The Superwash, but sometimes you gotta do it for the kids (and the parents, too)! And they really do suck up those saturated colors brilliantly, so there's plenty of hypnotic stitching to be had.

Baby Leggings

If you're interested in knitting a pair, be sure to check out Shibui's Pattern Page - lots of great patterns there to peruse if you have a few minutes! Now... time to send these babies back to Portland, from whence they came!

How cute!! As always, your knitting and photography are inspiring.

those are simply too, too adorable!

Oh man, do those ever look comfy...I want a pair - minus the diaper bulk however! :=)
What a great choice of color too!!!
Thanks for sharing, Jared.

The leggings are lovely! I think the twisted ribbing was a good call.

That's going to be a smart baby!

Oh it's so cute!

lovely. and good timing now that i'm knitting for a coming baby.
P.S. I got my hands on your book finally and I love it!! :)


Baby chic!
Would love to see modelled shots in the future from the lucky babe in these adorable leggings...

Darling leggings! And I didn't know that doing twisted ribbing was more elastic than plain...I thought it would be tighter. Go figure. Congratulations on selling out the first printing of Made In Brooklyn--I snagged my copy this weekend at a not quite LYS. I think it might have been the last one in the shop too! I do wish you would publish your Big Blue sweater...please consider it!

Oh my, how cute!!!! Adorable!
The color is so happy! I think bright and live colors are perfect for the little ones... much better than the old pale pink or washed blue...
And I never get tired of admiring how perfect, regular and disciplined is the tension of yours stitches.
Look at that! It is so even and tide! What do you do? Do you oil the joints of your fingers?!
You really rock... Did I say that before? :)

They are gorgeous. Perfect color too as I seem to be loving those colors at the moment. The twisted rib looks great and the crocheted cord is a great idea too. Cannot wait to see what you complete next!

Oh my gosh so so cute!!!

OMG!!! I SOO want a skirt like this now!

Fabulous leggings, so soft, warm, cozy and the colour matches the colour of what a breastfed baby fills their diaper with so it will blend in perfectly if it leaks!! Eeeeewww!

They are so cute...

Once again, you amaze - these are adorable - don't have any babies 'round right now, but, hey, it doesn't hurt to be prepared - right? Oh, and your book? Love, love, love it.

Great idea not having a seam!!

Gorgeous color, but I don't think I'd want to put wool, even extrafine merino, against a baby's skin, no matter how beautiful-- makes me itch just thinking about it. Any suggestions for a non-wool substitution?

I have the exact same yarn marinating in my stash... These are so lovely, I might just have to copy you (wouldn't be the first time!)

hiii! i really love them! i´d like be able to do that with my hands...so so nice!

OK, now I want a pair!

Love these...what a great job!

Hooray! Something to knit for my baby girl.

Just as an FYI, cloth diapering mamas knit these to use as a diaper cover. The natural antimicrobial and absorbent properties of wool make it an ideal thing to use as a diaper cover. So next time skip the superwash and use BFL or extra fine merino, washing in lanolin rich wool wash makes them definitely soft enough to wear against baby skin!

Thank you for sharing! I'm planning on spending the three-day weekend organizing and knitting my pile of "small" projects in preparation for winter.

Just de-lurking to let you know how much I love your blog and all of your work! I am a quilter at heart, but also dabble in knitting and crocheting. Your work ALWAYS makes me ache to pick up my knitting needles! Thanks for the endless inspiration.


they are adorable! I also made loads of these for my babies as covers over cloth nappies - but I sometimes used superwash - it does work almost as well as natural wool and absorbs lanolin soak ok. It obviously doesn't felt - which helps a bit with the waterproofness.

Just perfect! I want a pair! Thanks for sharing!

These are absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing. I have a few projects lying around that I need to finish up also. :-)

I have been on a long journey with this same type of pants. They are the best thing for little kids in the fall and winter!
I have finally concocted a set of patterns that work well for me -in worsted wool (it's extremely cold where we live). Yours are far more beautiful, though.


See Flickr badge for my "creative" set.

while first traveling in China in the 80's, i saw a lot of these leggings, with a big ole hole in the wee wee area for the kids who were without nappies on underneath
all were handknit, all were on wee little ones with a check or two sometimes escaping out of the grip of the leggings and into the cold
i am certain i have a few shots of them

What a lucky baby! I just finished a pair of knit pants for my almost-2-year-old this weekend. He wore them all day Sunday despite the fact that they are itchy wool that I haven't yet had a chance to soften. I just wanted him to try them on, but then he refused to take them off!

Gotta love little boys that love the clothes their mamas (or uncles) knit for them!

These are fantastic! I'm always looking for great baby patterns to knit. The color is wonderful.

these are so cute. I am trying to copy these patters www.sockoes.com
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