b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Other Ways of Feeling Productive
Ah, super bulky yarn - you really come through on the rare occasion that I need you.

I recently came into a small stash of Soft Chunky by Wenlan Chia (more on how that happened later) and was trying to find a responsible use for it. I'm not big on super bulky garments - while they're awesome to knit and faaaast, I find they rarely ever get worn, by me at least.

So when the recent CE Webletter dropped, featuring a chunky throw also by Wenlan, also in Soft Chunky, it was wonderful timing! My obsession with handknit blankets is receiving it's regular feeding! [One step closer to my ultimate fantasy of being buried under a mountain of woolie afghans]

Chunkfest 2008

Soft Chunky is just that: Really soft. Really chunky. It's a single ply virgin wool - no coarseness at all. It does feel odd knitting with little aluminum broomsticks, but dang if I don't feel like a productive little knitter. Which right now seems miraculous.

The pattern is about as straight-forward as can be - a rectangle of the simplest of all lace patterns, trimmed in garter stitch. It's like a swatch on steroids.


The lace is key - it keeps the weight down and plays up how soft and snuggly this stuff can be. The best part: I'm about half way in and it's already functioning as a blanket while I'm knitting. The photograph above is the "WS" of the fabric, which in this particular pattern I think looks better (so I guess it's the right side for me. Oh so right).

And in other news - check out these cocoon like bats that I received from a friend in Michigan last week.

Crosspatch Batts

Texture-philes beware! They're a mix of Romney, Corriedale, Bombyx and Tussah Silk with plenty of tweedy bits for super textured spinning (from Crosspatch Creations) - Hopefully I can squeeze some in soon...

Isn't knitting awesome!?

I have to laugh at the knitting with aluminum broomsticks comment. I think I need some super bulky therapy myself!
(also, thanks for the wonderful workshop in Pittsburgh!)

Of course Knitting is awesome, that's why we(I) do it!! I admire your knitting very much.

What a great woolie knit, love the colour too.

So, how many skeins are you using for this considering there are only 83 yards each. Love the colour also. =)

super-D-duper chunky yarn is wonderful as a blanket! and i have to agree it doesn't look so well as a sweater (on me at least). i like your blanket in progress it's beautiful.

Oh, man, I love that you just used the term "dropped" about a knitting publication. I'm so doing that from now on!!

The blanket is looking gorgeous!

I had the same response to that blanket by Classic Elite - and inspire by your EZ blanket, went out and got some chunky wool. (Couldn't find super chunky, so I'm using two strands of chunky together.)

I started the blanket. Stopped. Swatched it in regular sized wool/needles. Stopped. Poked at it and realized that the part I liked best was the garter stitch section. It was so soft and squshy! The lace part felt hard and lifeless. (Yes, hard, even on size 19s.) There was no bounce or life to the wool.

I've taken that wool and am making an EZ inspired "colors chasing each other around corners" garter stitch blanket. It's incredibly soft and bouncy. And, once I stop tearing out everything I do (Hmmm - no, I want the stitches to run THIS way. An angle HERE? Or THERE???) It's going to be incredibly fast!

Susan in Las Vegas

I recognize that cocoon! I just finished spinning two Crosspatch batts and really enjoyed it - definitely a unique experience. I found their spinning directions very helpful, too.

knitting IS indeed awesome!

I look forward to seeing what you spin with your cocoon. I have something somewhat similar, and I'm not sure what to do with it-- comb it, spin it as is, hm...

Oh my gosh, now I have to make that blanket. Whoops... I just called the yarn shop!

that will be a lovely quick project. and...a very fast christmas gift to knit. ;)

thanks for sharing.

chunky blanket knitting is one of those totally justifiable winter projects, because it means the electric heat can go down as the needles clack! this looks so warm and lovely!

I love the way Wenlan blows up patterns and they look totally new. Never thought of doing it to a blanket. WOWIE. Must. Do. This.

Yes, knitting is indeed awesome! I can't really do the super bulky thing (I have a top that is still waiting for me to rip it out and rejigger the pattern for the gauge I would rather be knitting at).

Though a super bulky blanket wouldn't be nearly so bad as a super bulky top.

I don't know what I would do without my knitting. I would expire. I glanced at this throw, when I received my newsletter, passed it by, and then, of course, you inspire me to go and have another look! You always inspire us.

This is so beautiful! I love the softness of the wool.

Knitting is Awesome... yes it is!!!

You are awesome! Your posts are very enjoyable and funny. I always look forward to reading them. I wish I would have been able to see you in GR last weekend.

Love the comment about it looking like a swatch on steroids!

Beautiful blankie! Funnily enough while browsing through a magazine at the hairdressers last night the home decorating page had a very chunky rib knit throw priced at £135!! Yours is much nicer! Loved the swatch on steroids analogy!

i cannot get over all the meanings of bat in english. i was expecting to see knitted bats as in the animal before i scrolled down and saw the spinning bats.

Those cocoon batts look gorgeous--can't wait to see how they spin up!

That blanket looks so incredibly cozy and yummy!

I can't wait to see the gorgeous yarn that will surely come from that astonishing bat.

Oooh, they kind of look like owl pellets. Which is a little gross maybe, though I always enjoyed dissecting them when I was little...

I think presents is right - they do look like owl pellets. That would have to be some owl to be eating Romneys and Corriedales!

I think I would fall asleep instantly underneath that blanket! yum!

Swatch on steroids - LOL! Looks awesome.

Mm.. I've never seen a blog that could capture texture so well as yours. Very satisfying.

Also, I'm glad I can see someone knit this blanket. I would have liked to, but couldn't fit it into my schedule (or budget, for that matter). I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes out for you. Gorgeous, I'm sure.

I'm absolutely floored by your knitting. It is down to earth, practical--and beautiful! And the photos, well don't get me started! Congratulations on a beautiful blog.

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i love the knits on your page!
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