Another hat with slouch, you say? Yeah, I was having a lot of fun playing around with that shape this season - it offered a fun variation on solving design problems for hats, so there it is!
Relm will be available next week in the upcoming Fall/Winter 08 issue of Knit.1 Magazine. [Ravel it!] The folks at Knit.1 are featuring a spread on designer-bloggers and each of us contributed a pattern of our own choosing, which I think makes for a great little line-up. Be sure to check out the other great bloggers' designs in the issue too! The magazine's whole look has been revamped and I think it looks like a great issue in general.

The yarn I chose for this is a new one and fantastic - "Aran" by Stacy Charles is a wonderful tweeded-out (tricked-out?) 100% cashmere that has awesome drape. The hat is as light as a feather and super warm, which was just the combo I was looking for on this one.

A quick word about the weight of the yarn: Aran is considered a worsted weight yarn because of it's suggested gauge of 4.5 sts to the inch, but remember that cashmere yarns really sing when they're knit up less densely than other fibers... hence, the yarn looks thinner than a worsted (it is) even though the gauge is the same. Does that make sense, or have I confused the issue further? Anyway, it's really lovely stuff... and did I mention the drape??

The issue hits news stands in December - but they seem to always start popping up early. The specs of the whole issue will go live on Knit.1's site on Monday, so be sure to check out what the other bloggers have served up.

I feel like I can't shut up about the cold weather, but I really love it. Multiple layers of handknitting get to be worn daily - it's what I spend most of the year waiting for! I hope you're enjoying it too.

And enjoy the issue!