Saartje's Booties
The Big Garter-Stitch Baby Wave is coming to pass... but not before these hot little booties get some blog action! Here's a quick pattern that's so cute it'll get just about anyone's biological clock ticking!

Pattern: 'Saartje's Bootees' [PDF] (or via Ravelry)Source: Saartje KnitsMaterials: RYC Cashsoft 4-ply in 'Spa' (one partial skein)Needles: US1/2.25mmButtons: 4 teensy iridescent ones cut from mussel shellsStarted and Completed: June 2007

No modifications on this pattern. This is a quick knit and the booties are TINY. From my virtually non-existent experience with babies, I'd say these are fit for an average newborn, although I made the larger size of the two listed in the pattern. The great news is that you could work these in just about any weight of yarn to fit babies of all sizes, colors and creeds! I sort of have an impulse to cast on in a super tweedy dk wool... but I think I should wait. It's probably time to return to the world of adult knitting for a time, don't you agree?

And speaking of adult knitting (and more garter stitch), the Adult Tomten Jacket is DONE and let me tell you, it is a piece of work. I will do my best to serve it up this week sometime. I love it so much that I've already worn it several times, despite the summer heat and general ridiculous-ness of wearing a chunky garter-stitch sweater in July. In New York.
Thanks for all your vacation e-mails and comments. Oregon was, as usual, amazing and I'm sort of bummed about being home. We were stranded in Dallas for 30 hours coming home which was an absolute nightmare and also accounts for a very long and silent homecoming recovery. Things are pretty much back to normal now, so I should be hanging out around the 'Tweed a bit more. Hope you all had a happy 4th of July!