I'm here, snoozing through the sleeves on the Aran. Leave it to the sleeves to really take the wind out of your sails. I've been persistent though and am just rows away from finishing the second one, which is pictured here.

Sleeve number one is already, of course, united with the body, waiting impatiently for its counterpart. I've been surprisingly exclusive with this pattern, which is the only explanation for the relative speed. I'm absolutely surprised that I'm still so interested. Maybe it's the steeking that's keeping me excited to press on. Or maybe I it was the notion that I might get to wear it a few times before things warm up. Today is slated for 75 degrees, though, so that logic is eluding me now.
Some new fibers have recently come into my hands for upcoming projects. Fibers that I'm very excited about - so I'll be sure to share more information later this week. Other than that, it's just knitting and taking pictures of my knitting stuff. Business as usual.

it's been so long since I've used a cable needle for its intedned function, I had to do something with them.
Take care and have a good wool week.