
yarn portrait | wednesday

Sundara Silk Lace

sundara yarn | 100 silk | 1000 yds . 100 gms | lace

hand-dyed in seattle, washington


  1. Your photos are gorgeous. Where are you getting such beautiful light? I get approximately 2 1/2 minutes of sunlight in my apartment this time of the year, and those minutes very conveniently do not coincide with any of the minutes I might actually be in my apartment...

  2. Aarrgggg! You're killing me here with these stunning pics of yarn! Great photography. How are you doing that?

  3. You got the blues lately, and this is good! You get such great shots of your yarn ~drool~

  4. You'd be doing the yarn world an enormous favor by posting a photo tutorial. And me because then I could swoon to the safety of my fainting couch. Just lovely.

  5. Yeah, well, crap. I can't tell if it's the yarn or the shots of the yarn, but I just drooled into my coffee.

    I think *absolutely divine* would be an appropriate exclamation!

  6. For some reason, I have this overwhelming urge to purchase yarn...

  7. New yarn each day, what a treat!

  8. OMG - you are killing us here. This blue takes my breath away.

  9. ok, now i definitely have to go to me LYS at lunch today...they should be giving you a commission!!

  10. I must say that I've been reading your blog for a while now and playing catch up with some older posts and I'm so impressed with your ability to articulate your design choices in such an accessible and friendly way. It's so inspirational and a BREATH OF FRESH AIR from the more kitschy/crafty designs that are found in many knitting magazines and books. And, you've got a great photographic eye. Thanks for making the knitting world more classy! Most sincerely...

  11. Yum. I can almost feel the silk through the computer screen. I love your photography. Sundara yarn isn't that bad, either.

  12. Wow, that is stunning! What a gorgeous shade of blue - and what a beautiful photo.
    I have to try Sundara's yarn some day soon.

  13. You know, I think a coffee table volume of your photos of these yarns would be a nice thing to look at everyday. It would certainly benefit the LYS because we would all get the urge to add to our collections of yarn, especially if they were all as yummy at these.


    O god ..more strash!!!

  15. is that the cobalt over sapphire? i have the other skein. when i opened the package i actually gasped! can't wait to see what you do with it :)

  16. that scares me. It sends me running to my big needles. Like 6s.

  17. What awesome silk lace yarn, the colour teal/turquoise, or whatever it is called, is perfect!
